
Archives 2012

Page history last edited by Lara McCulloch-Carter 11 years, 10 months ago

January 2012



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January 3, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @ASegar

The future of #eventprofs chats. Come help us decide about the future—format, frequency, topics, and whatever floats your boat—of #eventprofs chats!


Archive of Jan 3, 2012 chat 
January 5, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @ASegar

The future of #eventprofs chats Part 2. Come help us decide about the future—format, frequency, topics, and whatever floats your boat—of #eventprofs chats!

Archive of Jan 5, 2012 chat
January 10, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @ExecutiveOasis
Meetings & Events: Why are timeframes so tight? Delivery tips when under time pressure.
January 24, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @heidithorne 
Promotional product trends for 2012
January 24, 2012 chat 
January 26, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @sullybridgetb 

Burnout: Ways to re-ignite.

January 26, 2012 Chat


February 2012



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February 2, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @lizkingevents

Pros and Cons of Social Networks in Promoting Events - What works, and what doesn't? Also - what about promotions? When is a good time? When is too early? What's affiliate marketing?

 February 2 Archive Hosted by Storify/Liz King
February 7, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @vivmcw Interactive conferences with large groups (80 - 150 people), how to keep them engaged, present, and contributing. Archive (Storify)
February 16, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @BrandtKrueger

A frank discussion about delivering and receiving value. What is value, and how do you get it? How do your clients get it?

Archive (Storify)
February 21, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @GregRuby  Hybrid and Virtual Events - A General Discussion.    http://t.co/aOeYFWfZ

February 28,

9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST

Joan will lead a discussion of  the changes in the industry she's seen and where she thinks the industry is going over the next 20 years. Don't miss!
Storify archive of February 28 chat 



March 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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March 13, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @executiveoasis

 Pinterest for event planners based on blog post here:


Storify archive of March 13 chat
March 20, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @executiveoasis Impromptu chat on the New Facebook Timeline, Cover & Apps Storify archive of March 20 chat 
March 22, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @MichelleBruno
 Has Someone Stolen Your Event Identity? “Badgeless” is an organized movement of individuals who choose not to register (or pay the steep cost for a badge) for the annual SXSWi nerd fest in Austin, Texas. (Seehttp://forkintheroadblog.com/archives/is-the-sxswi-badgeless-movement-a-sign-of-things-to-come-in-the-event-industry/.) Instead, its members connect via social media to enjoy the many free (and non-sanctioned) activities that have grown up around the main conference and trade show. Join the #eventprofs chat on Monday, March 22 at 12 ET for a discussion on how to deal with groups that are gaining value from your event, but not paying and how to get everyone into the event "tent." Storify archive of March 22, 2012 chat
March 29, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @kikilitalien





Storify archive of March 29, 2012 chat 


April 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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April 5 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @ASegar and @BBJLinen

Planning for an Event with a Demanding Client.


Questions that were discussed:

 - How do you define a prospective or current client as “demanding”?
 - When is it OK to say “NO” to a client that is demanding?


 - What is your best response to a ‘demanding client/prospect’ that you would like to say “no” to?

 - Where do you draw the line – at what point is it more beneficial to walk away from the sale and the prospect/client?

 - How do you respond to a client who threatens to take business away if you are not willing to “bend” for them?

 - What is your best tip on dealing with a prospect/client who has “champagne taste” but a “beer budget”?

Storify archive of April 5, 2012 chat
April 12, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @lizkingevents & @ASegar
 What event technologies are/will be changing your life? Let us know at the chat!
Storify archive of April 14, 2012 chat

April 17

9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST

@ASegar & @Lisaleo27 The GSA Conference brouhaha-insights & ramifications Storify archive of April 17 2012 chat 
April 19 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @ready2spark

How to get PR for your event or business.

Storify archive of April 19, 2012 chat 

April 26

12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST

@holsk & @ASegar
 What gives an event value to attendees? Storify archive of April 26, 2012 chat 


May 2012

September 6       
The Value of Virtual - and how do we grow audiences? 
 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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May 1

9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST

 #eventprofs open mike. What's on your mind?
Storify archive of May 1, 2012 chat
May 10 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @ASegar with special guest @NaomiKarten!
Don't miss our special guest Naomi Karten, author of the classic book (and many others) Managing Expectations: Working with People Who Want More, Better, Faster, Sooner, NOW! Together we'll explore how we can work with difficult clients (who may think of us as difficult too!) to create win-win business relationships.
Storify archive of May 10, 2012 chat

May 15

12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST


Scams Targeting Event Planners and How to Avoid Them


Suggested Pre-reading http://t.co/FX04Hze 
Storify archive of May 15, 2012 chat 

May 31, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST



(Viktor Nagornyy)

 Booking and Managing Speakers

Storify archive of May 31, 2012 chat 


June 2012



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Tue, June 5, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST

Open Mic Night, combined with a test of Google Hangouts On Air.
Contact me if you'd like to be a part of the live panel, otherwise I'm going to try reading along and commenting as we go! Links and details to follow. 
Storify archive of June 5, 2012 chat. Includes video!
Tue, June 12, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @susanlynncope
Catering Trends for Events
Storify archive for June 12, 2012 chat
Tue, June 19, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @executiveoasis 

Corporate Event Trends 


Storify archive for June 19, 2012 chat
Thu, June 28, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @lizkingevents
How to get people engaged in your events.
Storify archive for June 28, 2012 chat


July 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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Tue, July 3, 9-10 pm EST/6-7pm PST


Ways to give back at your next event 
Storify archive for July 3, 2012 chat
Tues. July 10, Time: 9-10 pm EDT/6-7pm PST 
Automated Tweets & SM Sharing - Love it or Hate it? (e.g. Triberr, Twitterfeed, Paper.li, Hootsuite) Storify archive for July 10, 2012 chat


July 17




How can our Industry Organizations (IAEE, MPI, PCMA, GMIC, ISES, etc.) utilize social media better to serve their memberships.

Storify archive for July 17th chat 
Tue, July 24, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @BrandtKrueger
 Indispensible #eventtech. This will be the second "Beta test" of simulcasting the chat via Google On Air, and will broadcast live on YouTube, then auto-saved for posterity. The topic will be a look into my event tech bag of tricks, and I hope you will share some of your kit as well. What's your favorite app that helps you with your job? That one thing you have to have in your kit or you feel unprepared?
Storify archive for July 24, 2012 chat (includes link to broadcast video)


August 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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Thu, August 2, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST

@lizkingevents Marketing Strategies for a tough economy 
Storify archive for August 2, 2012
Thu, August 9, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST Special guests @corpcomic & @iBradWilson Surely you're joking? When is humor appropriate in events?
Storify archive for August 9, 2012
August 14, 9-10 pm EDT/6-7pm PST 

Productivity tips and tricks for busy #eventprofs

Storify archive for August 14, 2012
August 21, 9-10 pm EST/6-7 pm PST
@susanlynncope The importance of food at events Storify archive for August 21, 2012 
August  30, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @bigkid
#twittergames, not the Hunger Games as we'll all live, we'll see how many twitter team building games we can play and invent on a twitter chat in an hour.
Storify archive for August 30, 2012



September 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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Thu, September 6, 12-1pm EDT/9-10 am PST @TahiraCreates
How are you adding freshness and wonder to your events? Storify archive for September 6, 2012


September 13, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST


CMP, CMM, SOB, IOU, AEIOU and sometimes Y - Deciphering the alphabet soup of professional designations

Storify archive for September 13, 2012
Tue, September 18, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @executiveoasis

Change Management Strategies for #eventprofs




Thu September 27, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST @BrandtKrueger

Well, it's almost my birthday, so let's talk about our Meeting and Events Wish Lists!  What's that one thing you wish you could snap your fingers and make happen?  Categories include people, hotels, venues, technology, and more.  Who knows? Maybe another #eventprof out there knows how to make your wish come true!


Also I hope nobody minds that I gave these tables a little more breathing room.

Storify Archive for September 27, 2012


October 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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October 2,  9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST
Landing a job in the event industry Storify archive for October 2, 2012

October 11, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST


Proving your value as a planner

Storify archive for October 11, 2012 chat
October 18, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST

"Managing the High-Profile Event" with special guest Stephanie Edens, Vice President National Sales for Wolfgang Puck Catering,  with 25 years’ experience in the events and hospitality industry.

Storify archive of October 18, 2012 chat 


October 23 - 9P ET 

@GregRuby  Alcohol Awareness & The Event Professional
Storify archive of October 23, 2012 chat 
Tuesday, October 30 9-10pm ET/6-7pm PT @ready2spark  'The Ultimate Brainstorm' - the community submits 2-3 challenges, the community solves them  Postponed due to hurricane Sandy 


November 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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November 8, 12-1pm ET
Getting attendees to register early  Rescheduled on November 29


November 13, 9-10pm ET/6-7pm PT


Worst... Conference... Ever...
Inspired by a blog post by our own @asegar, let's try to come up with the worst possible meeting experience, in an attempt to learn more about what makes a good one.  Follow the life of the worst destination conference ever: transportation, meeting production, trade show floor, and evening events.

Adrian's article: http://www.conferencesthatwork.com/index.php/learning/2011/04/lets-make-it-suck/

Storify archive of November 13, 2012 chat 
Thursday, November 29, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST @LizKingEvents 
Getting attendees to register early 
Story archive of November 29, 2012 chat 


December 2012

 (1st option is Tue 9pm EST, 2nd is Thu at 12pm EST)


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Thursday, December 6, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST @ASegar
Don't miss our chat with veteran event photographer David Fox of David Fox Photo who has been photographing events for 30 years. Recipient of the ISES NE Heart & Soul  and the 2008 MPI NE Meeting Professional of the Year Awards, amongst others, his expertise and dedication is well known in the New England area. We'll  ask him about ways to work effectively with event photographers, and there'll be time for your questions too! Story archive of December 6, 2012 chat
December 18 or 20
December 27      





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