The Future of Meetings! @OmniMeetings & I will be your co-moderators.
@SullyBridgetB Please introduce yourself & tell us your role, ie. Bridget, event producer: conference logistics/management & production
@SullyBridgetB @MeetingsDiva Hey there darlin' Good to see you here.
@OmniMeetings Welcome everyone & thanks for joining! We're excited to be co-moderating along w/ @SullyBridgetB
@MeetingsDiva Terri Hardin, Destinations Marketing Editor at Cvent, reporting on the meetings ind for 15 years.
@SullyBridgetB @MeetingsDiva Very cool. Where are you in the world today?
@MeetingsDiva Palm Springs and it's beautiful
@ASegar Adrian Segar, Conferences That Work: event designer, producer, facilitator
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar So lovely to see you here Sir. Greatly appreciate your participation.
@PathableTara Good morning
#eventprofs! I am Tara Barnes, Marketing Manager with Pathable, Inc.
@SullyBridgetB @CventDG Cool breeze then, hun!
@SullyBridgetB @PathableTara Awesome Tara. Welcome.
@SullyBridgetB @MeetingsDiva I am in Charlotte, NC - sunny and beautiful...
@ASegar @SullyBridgetB Happy to be in Vermont right now, rather than Orlando on Saturday…
@SullyBridgetB Let’s get started: @OmniMeetings will begin the q&a. Please use “A” & the # of the question when responding, i.e. Q1=A1
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar I miss that neck of the woods.
@ChatterBachs Jay here for some of the
#eventprofs chat today. I'm in Northern Virginia.
@OmniMeetings Q1: How are stakeholders’ expectations of meetings changing?#eventprofs
@TRDonnelly Greetings. Terence, VP sales, event management co. - Experient
@SullyBridgetB @ChatterBachs Awesome Jay. Thanks for dropping in. Tell us your role
@SullyBridgetB @TRDonnelly Thank you for joining us Terence. Happy to see you.
@ASegar @ChatterBachs Jay, great to hear you'll be at
#wec11! See you at the tweetup Monday night?
@SullyBridgetB 1st Question - RT @OmniMeetings: Q1: How are stakeholders’ expectations of meetings changing?
@NCCmeet Hello. I'm Sarah, marketing manager at The National Conference Center in the Northern Virginia/DC area.
@MeetingsDiva A1 No change from a revenue POV, they still want to know they're generating biz
@eventleaders Hi Everyone! A little late but Carolyn here on behalf of the Event Leadership Institute.
@SullyBridgetB @NCCmeet Yay Sarah. Glad you're here. Thanks for the fix.
@SullyBridgetB @eventleaders Awesome Carolyn. What's your role?
@TRDonnelly @OmniMeetings Q1: clients are looking for a return. On exhibition side, looking for data analysis.
@SullyBridgetB RT @MeetingsDiva: A1 No change from a revenue POV, they still want to know they're generating biz
@OmniMeetings RT @MeetingsDiva: A1 No change from a revenue POV, they still want to know theyre generating biz
@ASegar Q1 In my world, less interest in broadcast style events; more in events that support engagement
@MeetingsDiva @TRDonnelly Is data harder to get?
@gracenote Hi All! Sorry I'm a little late.
@SullyBridgetB @gracenote Hello Grace. So happy to see you again. Thank you for being here.
@SullyBridgetB Those who just joined. Please introduce yourself and tell us your role if you haven't already
@NCCmeet It's changing from the ROI of training to ROE - Return on Expectations. What the attendee is expected to accomplish by attending
@TRDonnelly @MeetingsDiva with right tools, clients can access actionable real-time data. The analysis is where mtg professional comes in
@gracenote @sullybridgetb I knew your were moderating! Wouldn't miss it!
@eventleaders @SullyBridgetB I'm the education director and love to help people get educated about the event industry
@NCCmeet Hi Adrian! Enjoying your book (finally!) :)
@SullyBridgetB @eventleaders ELI hey there. I've been learning so much about you. Thanks for joining.
@OmniMeetings @ASegar engagement is definitely important! How do you also make sure your message is consistently delivered to all attendees?
@ASegar It's a long read :-) RT @NCCmeet: Hi Adrian! Enjoying your book (finally!) :)
@ASegar By designing engagement into the event RT @OmniMeetings: @ASegar …How do U make sure your [engagement] message is delivered…
@SullyBridgetB @AttendInteract Thanks for lurking. Your input will always be appreciated when you're ready.
@gracenote Welcome! RT @attendinteract: Hi
#eventprofs - Lurking today!
@OmniMeetings @NCCmeet love the term "ROE"! Attendee expectations are definitely an important component.
@SullyBridgetB RT @OmniMeetings: @NCCmeet love the term "ROE"! Attendee expectations are definitely an important component.
@TahiraCreates @NCCmeet I like it return on expectations - I think that is fair.
@AttendInteract THANKS! Multi tasking! deadlline is 1PM! RT @sullybridgetb: @AttendInteract TKS for lurking.
@SullyBridgetB @TahiraCreates Hey there lady. Glad you're here.
@MeetingsDiva Question: is the economic burden of meeting shifting to the individual attendee?
@gracenote Agree RT @tahiracreates: @NCCmeet I like it return on expectations - I think that is fair.
@TahiraCreates I don't understand how we have had so many years of meetings where we weren't focused on engaging people
@SullyBridgetB @TahiraCreates Good point. Seems to be catching up with us... @TahiraCreates
@MeetingsDiva Question: what is the difference between entertainment and engagement?
@OmniMeetings Q2: In the age of social media, how can planners continue to encourage face-to-face communication among attendees? #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Thoughts? RT @MeetingsDiva: Question: is the economic burden of meeting shifting to the individual attendee?
@MeetingsDiva A2 this is easy! Social media BREEDS f2f. Check out 4sq and EventCamp
@SullyBridgetB @MeetingsDiva I could say I orchestrate the entertainment - the show. Engagement speaks to me as f-2-f interaction/participation.
@OmniMeetings RT @MeetingsDiva: A2 this is easy! Social media BREEDS f2f. Check out 4sq and EventCamp
@NCCmeet It's human nature that we all want to meet face-to-face. Content can be found online but face-to-face is why they attend
@BelindaK_PMA Hey Everyone! It's been a while since I've had the chance to join a chat
@NCCmeet So it's more so important for the planner to set out time for hallway conversations and face-to-face interaction
@eventleaders @SullyBridgetB I'm glad to hear that you are into what we are doing!
@SullyBridgetB RT @OmniMeetings: Q2: In the age of social media, how can planners continue 2 encourage face-2-face comms among attendees?
@TRDonnelly Yes. RT @MeetingsDiva: A2 this is easy! Social media BREEDS f2f. Check out 4sq and EventCamp ~ Make Mtgs Relevant
@ASegar @TahiraCreates Why no integrated engagement? Hundreds of years of culture about events being places to learn broadcast-style.
@SullyBridgetB RT @NCCmeet: It's human nature that we all want to meet f-2-f. Content can be found online but face-to-face is why they attend
@SullyBridgetB @BelindaK_PMA Welcome. Introduce yourself and tell us your role.
@OmniMeetings @MeetingsDiva very true! Location-based platforms make it easy to bridge the gap between online and f2f communication
@gracenote RT @nccmeet: So it's more so important for the planner to set out time for hallway conversations and face-to-face interaction
@ASegar Q2 Social media, in fact, has become a spur to f2f meeting at events. People meet online 1st & then want to meet f2f.
@OmniHotelsPR RT @OmniMeetings: Q2: In the age of social media, how can planners continue to encourage face-to-face communication among attendees?
@SullyBridgetB @NCCmeet Interesting statement. The other day I personally placed quality of content over f-2-f as I thrive 1st on content...
@TahiraCreates RT @MeetingsDiva: A2 this is easy! Social media BREEDS f2f. Check out 4sq and EventCamp
@SullyBridgetB @eventleaders Very much so. Looking forward to digging in deeper.
@webcaston RT @NCCmeet: So its more so important for the planner to set out time for hallway conversations and face-to-face interaction
@BelindaK_PMA Belinda - Meeting Manager at Produce Marketing Association
@OmniMeetings Agreed! RT @ASegar: Q2 SM, in fact, has become a spur to f2f meeting at events. People meet online 1st & then want to meet f2f.
@CventDG RT @gracenote: RT @nccmeet: So it's more so important for the planner to set out time for hallway conversations &f2f interaction
@BelindaK_PMA A2: use social media to create hype about your event and get everyone excited for the F2F
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: Q2 Social media, in fact, has become a spur to f2f meeting at events. Ppl meet online 1st & then want to meet f2f.
@TahiraCreates a2 yes - take me - I liked event Camp TC virtual so much I went f2f in Chicago and in November EC Vancouver...
@NCCmeet @SullyBridgetB That could also be a generational trait. Gen X is data-driven first.
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar Agree with you there. Lots of Tweetups for example.
@OmniMeetings @nccmeet hallway conversation is definitely part of it, but engagement integrated into the programming is key as well
@SullyBridgetB @BelindaK_PMA Sweet. Join in.
@ASegar .@SullyBridgetB Both content & f2f are important. As the former becomes easier to obtain online, the latter's importance grows.
@TRDonnelly A2 a lot of exhibitions use SM during show dates to spur drive in traffic
@TahiraCreates Content + connection = great event experience
@SullyBridgetB Good Point. I'm Old :) RT @NCCmeet: @SullyBridgetB That could also be a generational trait. Gen X is data-driven first.
@NCCmeet RT @ASegar Social media, in fact, has become a spur to f2f meeting at events. People meet online 1st & then want to meet f2f.
@MeetingsDiva RT @entBuy: @TRDonnelly, Did u c changes they're making to 4sq? This is going to be HUGE for event planners: #eventprofs
@BelindaK_PMA A2 there is a lot to be said about the excitement experienced when attending F2F that you don't get via SM
@ASegar Even better: build engagement into sessions! RT @NCCmeet: …more important 4 planner to set out time for hallway conversations…
@SullyBridgetB @TRDonnelly Are you finding that Foursquare Gowalla and other check-in tools are being used as well.
@SullyBridgetB I like that order :) RT @TahiraCreates: Content + connection = great event experience
@AttendInteract 100% Agree! RT @belindak_pma: A2 there is a lot to be said about the excitement experienced F2F that you don't get via SM
@NCCmeet Agreed! Time for discussion. RT @OmniMeetings hallway conversation is part of it, but engagement in the programming is key
@entBuy @sullybridgetb It's hard to use 4Sq if you're not a venue owner... that's why I'm pleased w/ the changes they're making!
@OmniMeetings @BelindaK_PMA yes! F2F meetings provide a deeper level of learning
@SullyBridgetB @MeetingsDiva I want to talk to you later about what changes you're seeing. Yes? We'll touch on it today.
@ASegar BTW, anyone going to
#wec11: I'm leading a workshop on building participation into conferences sessions. Will repeat in Atlanta.
@NCCmeet @SullyBridgetB There's a few more generations above Gen X - you certainly aren't old ;)
@OmniMeetings Q3: What new skills & capabilities will be required of meeting professionals in the near future? #eventprofs
@eventleaders how do you feel about having designated "connectors" at your event?
@SullyBridgetB @entBuy Can you clarify? I produced a conference and we incorporated 4Sq booth check-ins.
@ASegar I'm in Gen A myself :) RT @NCCmeet: @SullyBridgetB Theres a few more generations above Gen X - you certainly arent old ;)
@TahiraCreates F2F allows you to take the knowledge and connect it with other perspectives - drives retention too. advantage over virtual
@JaredGolberg RT @TahiraCreates: F2F allows you to take the knowledge and connect it with other perspectives - drives retention too. advantage over virtual
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: BTW, any1 going 2
#wec11: I'm leading workshop-building participation in2 conferences sessions. Will repeat in
@OmniMeetings RT @TahiraCreates: F2F allows you to take the knowledge & connect it w/ other perspectives - drives retention too..
@entBuy Q3: I think the future is going to move toward providing events&meetings that really ENTERTAIN their guests.
@gracenote @SullyBridgetB @entBuy How did the 4SQ booth check-ins work?
@ASegar Q3 Meeting professionals will increasingly be asked for facilitation and facilitators of sessions rather than "speakers"
@BelindaK_PMA A3: need to learn more about adult learning so we can create succesful hybrid events
@ExpoQueenUSA RT @TRDonnelly, Did you see the changes theyre making to 4sq? This is going to be HUGE for event planners: #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar What are the dates? I'm producing @IgniteCharlotte event for next two months.
#wec11 #eventprofs
@MeetingsDiva @OmniMeetings A3 Planners are nothing if not adaptable, but they have to keep ACTIVELY accessing this characteristic.
@SullyBridgetB @gracenote The IT department worked it out and secured a 4Sq badge for the conference. I can go back and send info...yes?
@AttendInteract Embrace Technology! RT @omnimeetings: Q3: What new skills & capabilities will be required of mtg professionals in the future?
@ASegar .@SullyBridgetB My participation techniques workshop is hosted by MPI Georgia Chapter in Atlanta on August 16, 9:05 am – 12:30pm
@gracenote @SullyBridgetB Yes, please! Thank You.
@TRDonnelly V-Cool RT @entBuy: Did you see the changes theyre making to 4sq? This is going to be HUGE for event planners: #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @OmniMeetings: Q3: What new skills & capabilities will be required of meeting professionals in the near future?
@ExpoQueenUSA A3: I agree with @attendinteract - meeting planners need to embrace technology
@ASegar RT @AttendInteract: Embrace Technology! RT @omnimeetings: Q3: New skills & capabilities required of mtg profs in the future?
@TahiraCreates q3 so then add in education/edutainment-engagement-nutrition-connection-entertainment-tech-soc med expertise
@eventleaders @SullyBridgetB Not exactly. You have your hosts and then you have connectors or matchmakers setting up conversation "dates"
@gracenote Yes! RT @ExpoQueenUSA: A3: I agree with @attendinteract - meeting planners need to embrace technology
@MeetingsDiva :) RT @TahiraCreates: q3 so add in education/edutainment-engagement-nutrition-connection-entertainment-tech-soc med expertise
@ASegar RT @TahiraCreates: q3 so then add in education/edutainment-engagement-nutrition-connection-entertainment-tech-soc med expertise
@OmniMeetings RT @TahiraCreates: q3 so then add in education/edutainment-engagement-nutrition-connection-entertainment-tech-soc med expertise
@SullyBridgetB @BelindaK_PMA Adult learning. Further meaning?
@rgbrody RT @gracenote: RT @nccmeet: So it's more so important for the planner to set out time for hallway conversations and face-to-face interaction
@TahiraCreates RT @ASegar: .@SullyBridgetB My participation techniques workshop is hosted by MPI Georgia Chapter in Atlanta on August 16, 9:05 am – 12:30pm
@OmniMeetings @ASegar interesting point! The role of the "speaker" is definitely changing.
@SullyBridgetB Yes Indeed! RT @ExpoQueenUSA: A3: I agree with @attendinteract - meeting planners need to embrace technology
@NCCmeet And allow for usage of smart phones RT @ExpoQueenUSA A3: I agree @attendinteract - meeting planners need to embrace technology
@SullyBridgetB @ExpoQueenUSA And welcome to the chat. Apologies.
@SullyBridgetB RT @eventleaders: @SullyBridgetB Not exactly. U have ur hosts & then u have connectors or matchmakers setting up convos "dates"
@webcaston But they have to be able to teach and instruct how to use too! @attendinteract - meeting planners need to embrace technology
@ASegar Q3 Also venue needs are changing. I have an article on this coming out in Hotel Business Review next month.
@BelindaK_PMA Adult learning may change with new gens entering the workforce - may need to update theories for hybrids to be successful
@ExpoQueenUSA A3: Event planners need to sell and educate their sales, marketing, and logistics teams on changing and growing with technology
@SullyBridgetB @eventleaders Gotcha! I see that when I work with PR agency that handles the execs. Would like to explore that notion further.
@MeetingsDiva I gotta ask: who are the planners that DON'T get technology?
@ExpoQueenUSA @meetingsDiva - It is amazing how many event planners still do everything on paper...afraid of change
@entBuy @expoqueenusa What doU use to educate your sales, Mkt, & logistics teams?
#eventprofs We try 2 stay up 2 date on @Mashable & @linkedin news
@ExpoQueenUSA @MeetingDiva - of course this group is NOT part of that crowd! :)
@OmniMeetings @ASegar looking forward to the article!
@AttendInteract 100% AGREE! RT @expoqueenusa: @meetingsDiva - It is amazing how many even planners still do everything on paper,afraid of change
@SullyBridgetB A3: From production standpoint, spkg for self. I need 2 increase my tech integration skills, i.e. iPad, iPhone use on stage
@eventprofs RT @ChatterBachsJay here for some of the
#eventprofs chat today. I'm in Northern Virginia.
@CventDG Are teach averse planners any age group? any industry?
@SullyBridgetB RT @OmniMeetings: @ASegar interesting point! The role of the "speaker" is definitely changing.
@MeetingsDiva Are tech averse planners any age group? any industry?
@OmniMeetings @ExpoQueenUSA it's also important to work with the venue's staff on best practices re: technology for the event!
@ASegar THX! Since I wrote, 1 more thing 2 add: venues that won't let U post on walls! RT @OmniMeetings: @ASegar looking fwd 2 article!
@OmniMeetings Q4: What new tools/technologies do you feel will help make a planner’s job easier in the near future? #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Ah. RT @BelindaK_PMA: Adult lrng may change w/new gens entering workforce-may need 2 update theories 4 hybrids 2 b successful
*********************** ?????
@rayhansen @BrandtKrueger we
@SullyBridgetB Yep! RT @ExpoQueenUSA: @meetingsDiva - It is amazing how many event planners still do everything on paper...afraid of change
@SullyBridgetB Amen to that! :) RT @ExpoQueenUSA: @MeetingDiva - of course this group is NOT part of that crowd! :)
@ExpoQueenUSA @entBuy - I require each of my team to present 1 new technology they discovered each quarter for the rest of us to hear about.
@ChatterBachs Well-stated, Tahira. @tahiracreates: Content + connection = great event experience
@TahiraCreates I taught at Art Inst this tweek in Vancouver and EVERY DESK hasa computer - changes interaction
@MeetingsDiva Gr8. RT @ExpoQueenUSA: I require each of my team to present 1 new technology each qtr for the rest of us to hear about.
@ChatterBachs Definitely. @nccmeet: RT @ASegar Social media, a spur to f2f meeting at events. People meet online 1st & then want to meet f2f.
@SullyBridgetB Hey @ChatterBachsJay Apologies if I missed your entrance. Welcome
@TahiraCreates RT @ExpoQueenUSA: @entBuy - I require each of my team to present 1 new technology they discovered each quarter for the rest of us to hear about.
@entBuy @socialtables AMEN! This is SO important for
#eventprofs No matter what the "in" social platform is, we need blogs 2 link back 2 the website
@OmniMeetings Great tactic! RT @ExpoQueenUSA: I require each of my team to present 1 new technology they discovered each quarter...
@gracenote Agree. Love this one! RT @ChatterBachs: Well-stated, Tahira. @tahiracreates: Content + connection = great event experience
@AttendInteract A4: New technology solutions for event planners QR codes, mobile apps, electronic BEO management through software solutions
@TahiraCreates a4 I think tools like SuperPlanner - dropbox - free wifi in hotels - all these and more will help
@TRDonnelly A4: new tech tools in meeting industry will revolve around mobility (smartphones)
@gracenote @entBuy Hey there! Good to see you on the chat again :)
@Gerdie @ASegar Speakers will have to change from "doing their own performance" to a "performance based on audience answering" I think
@CameronToth RT @ExpoQueenUSA: @entBuy - I require 1 new technology they discovered each quarter for the rest of us to hear about.
@OmniMeetings RT @TahiraCreates: a4 I think tools like SuperPlanner - dropbox - free wifi in hotels - all these and more will help
@AttendInteract @ExpoQueenUSA I love that you embrace technology!
@ASegar Even better; be integrated into the website RT @entBuy: @socialtables …we need blogs 2 link back 2 the website
@SullyBridgetB RT @AttendInteract: A4: New tech solutions 4 event planners QR codes, mobile apps, electronic BEO mgmnt thru software solutions
@BelindaK_PMA A4 new tech: I wish more groups would have charging stations at their events! My cell always dies :-(
@ChatterBachs I can see this. @asegar: Q3 Meeting professionals will increasingly be asked for facilitation of sessions rather than "speakers"
@williamevents “@TahiraCreates: so many years of meetings where we weren't focused on engaging people
#eventprofs” AGREE! a topic I am addressing @cibtm
@entBuy @attendinteract How do you use QR Codes? I'm on the fence. Can't decide if they're useful or just a novelty
@TahiraCreates RT @TRDonnelly: A4: new tech tools in meeting industry will revolve around mobility (smartphones)
@TRDonnelly So true! RT @BelindaK_PMA: A4 new tech: I wish more groups would have charging stations at their events! My cell always dies :-(
@TahiraCreates RT @Gerdie: @ASegar Speakers will have to change from "doing their own performance" to a "performance based on audience answering" I think
@ExpoQueenUSA Then the following year...we decide what worked, what didn't & what technologies we may want that we learned about from our team
@OmniMeetings @TRDonnelly agreed, incorporating mobile technologies are a must
@SullyBridgetB To @TahiraCreates point about free wi-fi. We especially need that in the main room: general session space for productions.
@TahiraCreates q4 mobile apps - keep it easy for attendees - connection tools poken et al - reg systems that let you pre-meet attendees
@ASegar Yes, & facilitate attendee2attendee interaction RT @Gerdie: @ASegar Speakers change…to "performance based on audience answering"
@CameronToth @ChatterBachs @asegar I like that idea and approach. Using the knowledge in the room is masterful!
@AttendInteract @entbuy We have had great success using QR codes on e-Posters on site especially at medical shows, the DRS love them!
@gracenote A4. Dropbox and free wi-fi everywhere.
@SullyBridgetB Yes-Today's
#smclt mtg topic! RT @TRDonnelly: A4: new tech tools in meeting industry will revolve around mobility (smartphones)
@CameronToth @entBuy Depends on what you want to do with the QR Codes. One great use is on Business Cards for contact info.
@SullyBridgetB Big hit! RT @BelindaK_PMA: A4 new tech: I wish more groups would have charging stations at their events! My cell always dies :-(
@TahiraCreates When we were at
#AIBTM we had charging station at our booth - well used! and SO SIMPLE to add
@ASegar There's lots of research now that learning by participating is far more effective than learning by hearing or watching.
@entBuy @attendinteract Interesting! I can see how that would be useful to them.
#eventprofs Thanks for sharing!
@TahiraCreates RT @CameronToth: @ChatterBachs @asegar I like that idea and approach. Using the knowledge in the room is masterful!
@ExpoQueenUSA Put QR Codes on every badge and on every booth, poster displays, etc
@SullyBridgetB We've got 15 minutes left to today's
#eventprofs chat. Great convo so far. How we doin' @OmniMeetings
@SullyBridgetB @williamevents Hey there William. Great to see you. Thanks for being here.
@OmniMeetings Doing great! Last question:
Q5: What will be the biggest challenge for meeting professionals in the next five years? #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @OmniMeetings: @TRDonnelly agreed, incorporating mobile technologies are a must
@CameronToth @SullyBridgetB All this new technology has to get its energy somehow. Great way to get impressions - Charging Station!
@MeetingsDiva @ChatterBachs Banquet Execution Order
@TahiraCreates q4 Ok maybe the wifi can't be free but then can it least be at a sensible/reasonable cost - not mass profit centre
@BelindaK_PMA A4 I also wish conv ctr prices for telecom and networking would decrease to help incorporate all the cool new tech
@TahiraCreates RT @ASegar: There's lots of research now that learning by participating is far more effective than learning by hearing or watching.
@CameronToth @ChatterBachs Banquent Event Order = BEO
@SullyBridgetB @CameronToth Hey Cameron. Thanks for jumping in.
@gracenote @entBuy @attendinteract on business cards instead of bringing so much collateral. Use them on signs next to presentations
@SullyBridgetB RT @CameronToth: @ChatterBachs @asegar I like that idea and approach. Using the knowledge in the room is masterful!
@AttendInteract Sorry, Banquet Event Order RT @chatterbachs: @attendinteract What is BEO?
@CameronToth @MeetingsDiva Or that too! :-)
@TahiraCreates RT @BelindaK_PMA: A4 I also wish conv ctr prices for telecom and networking would decrease to help incorporate all the cool new tech
@ChatterBachs @gerdie Yes. Less scripted. More based on audience needs at present time. Might be different convo a month later.
@SullyBridgetB @CameronToth @entBuy Important that the QR codes takes you to mobile site correct?
@TRDonnelly Problem with QR codes is how does show management get the activity analysis and reporting?
@AttendInteract I have even seen them on tshirts! RT @gracenote: @entBuy @attendinteract on business cards instead of collateral. On signage
@OmniMeetings RT @ExpoQueenUSA: Put QR Codes on every badge and on every booth, poster displays, etc
@CameronToth @SullyBridgetB My pleasure. Looking forward to the massive event professional and social media storm this weekend at
#WEC11 #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: There's lots of research now that lrning by participating is far more effective than learning by hearing or watching
@suzannecarawan there are tools for this! @TRDonnelly: Problem with QR codes is how does show management get the activity analysis & reporting?
@TahiraCreates q5 The biggest challenges:selling what works to the clients - internal and external - esp around connection & engagement
@SullyBridgetB @ExpoQueenUSA Does that create personal space proximity issues?
@CameronToth @TRDonnelly The QR code is a link. The link can be a or or any other trackable traceable link.
@SullyBridgetB RT @OmniMeetings: Doing great! Last question: Q5: What will b the biggest challenge 4 mtg professionals in the next five years?
@entBuy w/ all this talk of new technology, have any
#eventprofs mastered
#GooglePlus for their meetings/events? Or RU waiting 4 business pages?
@ASegar Q4 When you can ask/expect every attendee to bring an Internet-enabled device you can almost eliminate paper.
@TahiraCreates q5 Challenge - getting wifi and networks costs in line to incorporate and be able to serve attendee expectations
@suzannecarawan a5: not enough case studies or brave guinea pigs out there! need more!
@SullyBridgetB A5: For me - managing virtual conferences
@TRDonnelly @suzannecarawan we're working with CoreApps on QR Code solution. They're leaders in mobile space
@gracenote RT @OmniMeetings: RT @ExpoQueenUSA: Put QR Codes on every badge and on every booth, poster displays, etc
@ChatterBachs @belindak_pma Good suggestion, Belinda. Charging stations could be sponsored like they are at airports. Revenue source!
@ASegar RT @TahiraCreates: q5 Challenge-getting wifi & networks costs in line to incorporate and be able to serve attendee expectations
@SullyBridgetB RT @BelindaK_PMA: A4 I also wish conv ctr prices for telecom & networking wud decrease 2 help incorporate all the cool new tech
@Gerdie @TRDonnelly QR codes (paid versions) come with statistics
@ExpoQueenUSA Create a QR with a // link so it can be tracked RT @TRDonnelly: Problem with QR codes is how to get activity reporting?
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar @BrandtKrueger keeping secrets I see :)
@ASegar Q5 Responding to the reality that events that rely on speaker-broadcast content will become far less appealing to attend.
@AttendInteract We provide tracking for our solution RT @trdonnelly: Problem with QR codes is how does show management get the reporting?
@ChatterBachs @belindak_pma It would also be good if free wi-fi were more standard. Another opportunity for sponsorship?
@SullyBridgetB Excellent Point! RT @TRDonnelly: Problem with QR codes is how does show management get the activity analysis & reporting?
@SullyBridgetB @TRDonnelly Would that be a question for data analytics type companies or IT department who overseas the show?
@ASegar How can we surprise/delight U if we don't have some secrets :) RT @SullyBridgetB: @ASegar @BrandtKrueger keeping secrets I C :)
@SullyBridgetB @suzannecarawan Welcome Suzanne. More insight on the tools!
@entBuy @sullybridgetb @trdonnelly Not just QR Code Analysis, but all
#socialmedianeeds to be tracked by
@GPlusUpdate RT @entBuy - w/ all this talk of new technology, have any
#GooglePlus for their meetings/events? Or RU waiting ...
@BelindaK_PMA Have a good day everyone! I have to head out
@OmniMeetings @ASegar Yes! Attendee-driven meetings/events will become more prevalent
@entBuy @camerontoth I agree w/ being careful. Unless most attendees are using smart phones, it could be a waste. Depends on crowd demo
@SullyBridgetB RT @suzannecarawan: there r tools for this! @TRDonnelly: Prob w/QR codes is how does show mgmt get activity analysis/reporting?
@CameronToth @sullybridgetb absolutely. Should be something of visual and targeted interest to potential user.
@TRDonnelly @SullyBridgetB if one central entity (show management, etc) controls the distribution of a QR code, then it's traceable
@OmniMeetings 5 more minutes left! Any last thoughts/questions?
@TrevorRoald @TRDonnelly Analytics is the main advantages of QR Codes. One client was able to get over 85% completion of their session evals.
@SullyBridgetB @TRDonnelly Makes sense. Thank you.
@TahiraCreates RT @OmniMeetings: @ASegar Yes! Attendee-driven meetings/events will become more prevalent
@TRDonnelly Agree 2 RT @entBuy: I agree w/ being careful on QR codes. Unless attendees r using smartphones, could wasteful. Depends
@SullyBridgetB RT @Gerdie: @TRDonnelly QR codes (paid versions) come with statistics
@Gerdie @ChatterBachs @belindak_pma We (Holland) see more & more mobile branded charging points for all phones as a service on events.
@entBuy Last Q: What sorts of entertainment/speakers do you guys host at events/mtgs?
#eventprofs speakers? Or commedians/performers?
@CameronToth @ASegar Not yet but G+ is a very exciting new product especially since Google seems to be throwing considerable $ and time at it
@OmniMeetings @AttendInteract agreed, thanks so much for joining!
@TahiraCreates thanks @sullybrigdetb @omnimeetings and awesome
#eventprofsas always love the energy - ideas - commitment
@OmniMeetings What would you say are the top takeaways from today's chat?
@MeetingsDiva 2X RT @TahiraCreates: thanks @sullybrigdetb @omnimeetings and awesome
#eventprofs as always love the energy - ideas - commitment
@SullyBridgetB @TrevorRoald Hey Trevor...good to see you.
@SullyBridgetB Wow you guys. You wore me out. This was so lively.
@ASegar Next chat "The 24 hour work day- staying balanced in a hectic job "July 26, 9-10pm EST moderator @carolyn_ray
@entBuy @omnimeetings
#eventprofs want to integrate tech into what they do. Stay on cutting edge while still useful for attendees
@CameronToth RT @ASegar: Next chat "The 24 hour work day- staying balanced in a hectic job "July 26, 9-10pm EST moderator @carolyn_ray
@ExpoQueenUSA In the near future, smartphones will be the norm. We need to "be there" wherever our attendees are, and anticipate their needs
@SullyBridgetB Thanks for your input. RT @TahiraCreates: thks @sullybrigdetb @omnimeetings & awesome
#eventprofs as always luv the energy-ideas-commitment
@ASegar Thank you @SullyBridgetB & @OmniMeetings for a well-moderated, lively chat, full of good info & ideas!
@gracenote RT @ASegar: Next chat "The 24 hour work day- staying balanced in a hectic job "July 26, 9-10pm EST moderator @carolyn_ray
@CameronToth RT @entBuy:
#eventprofs want to integrate tech into what they do. Stay on cutting edge while still useful for attendees
@entBuy Thanks so much guys! We learned a lot
#eventprofs :)
@gracenote Ditto! RT @ASegar: Thank you @SullyBridgetB & @OmniMeetings for a well-moderated, lively chat, full of good info & ideas!
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: Next chat "The 24 hour work day- staying balanced in a hectic job "July 26, 9-10pm EST moderator @carolyn_ray
@Gerdie : RT @OmniMeetings: @ASegar Yes! Attendee-driven meetings/events will become more prevalent
@CameronToth @SullyBridgetB Thank you Bridget!!! Have a great day!
@OmniMeetings Love the passion among this community! Thanks so much to everyone who participated, hope to see you all at
#WEC11 in Orlando!
@SullyBridgetB HUGE Thank you to everyone who joined today. Thank you @OmniMeetings for collaborating with me. I'll tend to the archive.
@SullyBridgetB @gracenote Thanks lovely lady. Will get back with you.
@OmniHotelsPR Thanks @omnimeetings and @sullybridgetb for a great chat today
#eventprofs on Future of Meetings - C everyone at
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar Thanks for inspiring me to take this first...not my last.
@gracenote @OmniMeetings Thank you for hosting today's
#eventprofs chat. I really enjoyed it and learned so much.
@OmniMeetings Thanks to @SullyBridgetB for collaborating with us, we'll have to do it again soon!
@OmniMeetings @gracenote our pleasure! Thanks for your participation, we really learned a lot from the discussion.
@SullyBridgetB And 2 u! RT @OmniHotelsPR: Thanks @omnimeetings & @sullybridgetb 4 a great chat 2day
#eventprofs on Future of Meetings-C everyone at
@TrevorRoald @SullyBridgetB Thanks for the warm welcome, sorry for jumping in at the end there.
@gracenote @SullyBridgetB You ROCKED today's
#eventprofs chat!! I loved it :)
@FederationEIL RT @ASegar: Q4 Simple things like replacing flipcharts by Google Docs, updated by multiple audience members #eventprofs
@FederationEIL RT @ASegar: There's lots of research now that learning by participating is far more effective than learning by hearing or watching.
@FederationEIL RT @ASegar: Q3 Meeting professionals will increasingly be asked for facilitation and facilitators of sessions rather than "speakers"
@entBuy Tnks 4
#eventprofs chat! @camerontoth @TRDonnelly @Asegar @sullybridgetB @GplusUpdate @attendinteract @expoqueenUSA @gracenote @meetingsdiva
@FederationEIL RT @ASegar: Q2 Social media, in fact, has become a spur to f2f meeting at events. People meet online 1st & then want to meet f2f.
@SullyBridgetB @entBuy Glad you were here and thank you for all your input.
@SullyBridgetB @TrevorRoald No sorries necessary. Glad you were able to join.
@SullyBridgetB @gracenote That was kinda cool. Reminds me of my radio show days - felt like I was on-air. Have the best day and weekend!
@FederationEIL RT @ASegar: Thank you @SullyBridgetB & @OmniMeetings for a well-moderated, lively chat, full of good info & ideas!
@ExpoQueenUSA @AttendInteract - Imeant to say Thank you! It's addicting! RT@ExpoQueenUSA I love that you embrace technology!
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