
Archive - July 19, 2011

Page history last edited by Viktor Nagornyy 13 years, 7 months ago
@tracibrowne This needs to be discussed! @ASegar: Nxt chat Jul 21~12pmET, The Future of Meetings (planner/producer & hotel perspective) #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @TSEARedDiamond @gregruby @viktorixcom thanks for chat rts #eventprofs
@nickbalestra +1 RT @BrandtKrueger: What does anyone think about a "side channel" chat during these things on G+? #eventprofs
@IconPresentsAV The Benefits of Audience Participation Techniques: Q&A w/ @ASegar http://ow.ly/5IqDF #eventprofs #Engage365
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: Nxt chat Jul 21~12pmET, The Future of Meetings (planner/producer & hotel perspective) @sullybridgetb & @OmniMeetings #eventprofs
@GregRuby @BrandtKrueger Could be interesting. I'm still trying to figure the basics out of G+. #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger What does anyone think about a "side channel" chat during these things on G+? We could add hangouts- or afterchats... #eventprofs
@GregRuby RT @tracibrowne: Tomorrow 3pm et #expochat -all things #tradeshows #eventprofs
@TSEARedDiamond RT @tracibrowne: Tomorrow 3pm et #expochat -all things #tradeshows #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @tracibrowne: Tomorrow 3pm et #expochat -all things #tradeshows #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Tomorrow 3pm et #expochat -all things #tradeshows #eventprofs
@GregRuby @BrandtKrueger Well played sir! #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @BrandtKrueger thanks for participating =) #eventprofs
@FeatherPieces Ciao #eventprofs! =]
@SullyBridgetB @viktorixcom Appreciate it. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Thanks everyone once again. Great discussion, made my day! #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @gregruby Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Thanks, @viktorixcom! nice work! #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @SullyBridgetB thanks =) i shud b able to stop by on Thursday =) #eventprofs
@Eventige Check out #Event #Marketer #Magazine on Twitter @EventMarketer - One of the best resources for #EventProfs in the field of #OOH and #Events
@viktorixcom @Spaffy1013 @tracibrowne @pogby thanks everyone for stopping by =) #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @psalinger Yup. Balance. Unftnly it's like kids- surest way to make them hate is to tell em its good for em and force it. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @viktorixcom You didn't crash and burn! Thanks for the lessons. #eventprofs
@nickbalestra thanks all #eventprofs awesome session #eventprofs is a true brand (and it doesn't have even a logo ) ;-)
@FeatherPieces @nickbalestra Your event design will not go unnoticed by the attendees. You are in essence networking without saying a word. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @anthonyhalprin thanks for stopping by =) #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @GregRuby @asegar it was fun! i will have to do this again =) #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Great discussion everyone! #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Thanks @victorixcom! Great chat! =) #eventprofs
@Pogby Thanks @viktorixcom for a great chat! Awesome moderation :) #eventprofs
@anthonyhalprin @viktorixcom thanks.good questions #eventprofs
@ASegar Thank you @viktorixcom! Good topic and well-moderated lively discussion! #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @tracibrowne: FQ also...using the words presented by instead of sponsored by for our presenting sponsor #eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom Thanks for a great job of moderating tonight! #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Speaker Management 101: Help Your Speaker Help You http://j.mp/ngTJ20 #eventprofs
@tracibrowne FQ also...using the words presented by instead of sponsored by for our presenting sponsor #eventprofs
@viktorixcom It's closing time... Thanks everyone for an awesome chat! Hope everone enjoyed it. Archive will be available by morning! #eventprofs
@ASegar Next chat July 21, 12pm ET, The Future of Meetings (planner/producer & hotel perspective) @sullybridgetb & @OmniMeetings #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom RT @BrandtKrueger: Ive seen far too many examples of events where (visual) brand is forced down attndees throats, like it or not #eventprofs
@nickbalestra branding isn't advertising #eventprofs
@psalinger @BrandtKrueger true enough, but for corporate you have to find the right balance. #eventprofs
@ASegar @BrandtKrueger That's when the brand logo gets burned onto retinas and screens :) #eventprofs
@GregRuby @BrandtKrueger Hey, you are not supposed to be eavesdropping back there! #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @psalinger: @viktorixcom Overbranding and placing brand impression above attendee experience is a common mistake #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger FQ: And you can hear a lot of comments in the back row from the tech table :) #eventprofs
@anthonyhalprin FQ agree, keep it simple, subliminal messaging. RT @psalinger: @viktorixcom Overbranding and placing brand .....' #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Excellent answer RT @GregRuby: A5 Trying to brand everything that doesnt move at the venue #eventprofs
@nickbalestra RT @BrandtKrueger: FQ: I've seen far too many examples of events where brand is forced down attndee's throats, like it or not. #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Q4: Launching a social media campaign for the event or independent corporation without clear pre-set goals... #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger FQ: I've seen far too many examples of events where brand is forced down attndee's throats, like it or not. #eventprofs
@nickbalestra RT @tracibrowne: Trying to brand an event too soon before it developed its own personality RT @viktorixcom: #eventprofs
@tracibrowne RT @psalinger: @viktorixcom Overbranding and placing brand impression above attendee experience is a common mistake #eventprofs
@ASegar @GreenA_V I think quite a few #eventprofs & MeCo folks will be there. See http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1897725147 #wec11 #eventprofs
@GregRuby A5 Trying to brand everything that doesn't move at the venue #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @psalinger: @viktorixcom Overbranding and placing brand impression above attendee experience is a common mistake #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Trying to brand an event too soon before it developed its own personality RT @viktorixcom: Final Q: What is one branding mistake #eventprofs
@GreenA_V @gregruby @asegar Dance card is pretty filled up for Monday, prob won't make it #eventprofs
@Pogby trying to deliver too many things instead of overdelivering on just a few things. its about quality not quantity #eventprofs
@psalinger @viktorixcom Overbranding and placing brand impression above attendee experience is a common mistake #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Yes, so true. RT @michellebruno: being 2 many things to 2 many people. Better to be queen of one thing. #eventprofs
@ASegar Yes, Monday night RT @GreenA_V: @gregruby @psalinger Theres an #eventprofs meetup at #wec11 ? #eventprofs
@GreenA_V @psalinger Oh, yes, he did that in BC too. But it's a meetingspodcast thing, not #eventprofs
@michellebruno being 2 many things to 2 many people. Better to be queen of one thing. RT @viktorixcom: Final Q: What is one branding mistake #eventprofs
@nickbalestra RT @ASegar: "Local" content occurs with meaningful attendee engagement. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Yes. RT @ASegar: "Local" content occurs with meaningful attendee engagement. #eventprofs
@psalinger @GreenA_V yes, Monday night. @mikemcallen is organizing #eventprofs
@ASegar "Local" content occurs with meaningful attendee engagement. #eventprofs
@psalinger @ASegar that's the trick, especially with a big conference, to make it that personal on content #eventprofs
@GreenA_V @gregruby @psalinger There's an #eventprofs meetup at #wec11 ?
@viktorixcom RT @ASegar: Am reminded of the saying "all politics is local". All content is local too; specific to each attendees needs. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne But not a great event RT @viktorixcom: do u think an event can be engaging & memorable w/o quality content? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Final Q: What is one branding mistake you’ve done & want others to avoid? #eventprofs
@ASegar @viktorixcom Am reminded of the saying "all politics is local". All content is local too; specific to each attendee's needs. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom We have 5 min left. That brings me to the final Question. #eventprofs
@psalinger @tracibrowne @michellebruno - we've kind of broken it dn in2 learn, network, fun - similar 2 wht U're saying. All 3 need 2 B gr8 #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Yes RT @viktorixcom: @nickbalestra @tracibrowne do u think an event can be engaging & memorable w/o quality content? #eventprofs
@FeatherPieces RT @erikadarden: We like to integrate unique design elements. It starts a convo that re-enforces "brand" recognition. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @nickbalestra: MYQ1: question about networking, how do make it part of the brand experience during your events? #eventprofs
@JoanEisenstodt Changing #hospitality industry's mindset re bkground music. http://bit.ly/pt4aRD Hopefully paying BMI/ASCAP #eventprofs #meetingsfocus
@Spaffy1013 I agree @jtonerv collaboration with your peers of event content can provide credible insight that the internet cannot #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB If the content isn't good I won't return and that will lead me to think negatively of your brand. #eventprofs
@jtonerv Content that is online and FREE is worthless. It's old news once online, you lose the monetization factor once FREE #Eventprofs
@nickbalestra MYQ1: question about networking, how do make it part of the brand experience during your events? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @nickbalestra @tracibrowne do u think an event can be engaging & memorable w/o quality content? #eventprofs
@jtonerv @nickbalestra @tracibrowne @viktorixcom Content refers to people, experiences, shock and awe that cannot come through online #Eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom RT @viktorixcom: Content is king, but every king needs a kingdom - your audience. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @nickbalestra @tracibrowne it comes back to the idea of being unique. not just reusing content. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Yes needs to be diverse RT @michellebruno: some elements r givens: good content, good networking, good vittles-- #eventprofs
@nickbalestra RT @tracibrowne: @viktorixcom Disagree... If content is king of your conference...no thanks...I can get it online for free #eventprofs
@ASegar @psalinger Will try to attend your session, but may need to prepare for Solution Forum :-( #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 RT @viktorixcom Content is king, but every king needs a kingdom - your audience. #eventprofs #eventprofs
@erikadarden We like to integrate unique design elements. It starts a convo that re-enforces "brand" recognition. #eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom Well said! #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @viktorixcom Disagree... If content is king of your conference...no thanks...I can get it online for free #eventprofs
@michellebruno some elements r givens: good content, good networking, good vittles--brand is abt the unique stuff #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @viktorixcom: Content is king, but every king needs a kingdom - your audience. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Content is king, but every king needs a kingdom - your audience. #eventprofs
@nickbalestra @psalinger awesome wish i could be there #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @asegar take notes for me! RT @psalinger: @tracibrowne part of what Im talking about at #wec11 is next practices in engagemen... #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB A4: Creativity, attendee interaction that isn't cheesy + @anthonyhalprin 's mention: integrate new technologies #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne @michellebruno know ur audience. that shud serve as a blueprint for your content. #eventprofs
@psalinger @tracibrowne part of what I'm talking about at #wec11 is next practices in engagement and brand experience for anyone coming #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger That sounds pretty good 2 me! RT @ASegar: Q4 Fulfill attendees needs & expectations - & then give them more than they expected! #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Really hard these days if content is king of your event RT @michellebruno: Q4 Must create a series of deliverables that atte... #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Back to being unique! RT @michellebruno: Q4 Must create series of deliverables that attendees cant get anywhere else. Not easy. #eventprofs
@nickbalestra a4 - interaction. when organizers bring home at least as much as attendees do is a good sign #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 RT @Pogby & @ASegar the "wow" factor is so important to ensure that attendees are engaged! It's my favorite intangible takeaway! #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom RT @viktorixcom: Over deliver! RT @ASegar: Q4 Fulfill attendees needs and expectations - then give them more than they expected! #eventprofs
@michellebruno Q4 Must create a series of deliverables that attendees can't get anywhere else. Not easy. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Over deliver! RT @ASegar: Q4 Fulfill attendees needs and expectations — and then give them more than they expected! #eventprofs
@jtonerv The level of engagement changes depending on size of event and who you have doing the engagement for desired results. #Eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @nickbalestra: a4 - think out of box if the m&m were all brown experience in the package was borin same w/ events #eventprofs #eventprofs
@Pogby RT @anthonyhalprin: Q4 integrate new technologies and social media in fun & creative ways #eventprofs
@Pogby Make them go 'wow' RT @ASegar: Q4 Fulfill attendees needs and expectations — and then give them more than they expected! #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom A4: depends on the participants, a wide range; experiences differ for high-end thought leadershp events vs industry trade shows #eventprofs
@tracibrowne RT @GregRuby: @viktorixcom A4 Thats the tricky part. Focus on attendees wants and desires and try to cater to them #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @jtonerv do u think there r any universal ways to do it for any size event? #eventprofs
@nickbalestra a4 - think out of the box - if the m&ms where all browns the experience in the package was boring, same wirh events #eventprofs #voteGreen
@Spaffy1013 sorry...i meant Q4! #eventprofs
@anthonyhalprin Q4 integrate new technologies and social media in fun & creative ways #eventprofs
@ASegar Q4 Fulfill attendees needs and expectations — and then give them more than they expected! #eventprofs
@tracibrowne A4 depends on the event... But just being engaging is unique these days #eventprofs
@viktorixcom know thy audience RT @GregRuby: @viktorixcom A4 Thats the tricky part. Focus on attendees wants & desires & try to cater to them #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Q3: I looove events that are abstractly thematic & subtly reinforce the brand: decor/session titles/Rountable discussions/etc #eventprofs
@jtonerv Q4 what sort of event? Size matters when creating memorable impressions. Are we talking 10 high quality or thousands mid quality #Eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom A4 That's the tricky part. Focus on attendees wants and desires and try to cater to them #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @psalinger The whole event branding conversation tonight...would have been good to have a corporate marketing POV #eventprofs
@Pogby agreed. u gotta b unique RT @michellebruno: N0 RT @viktorixcom: @michellebruno Define memorable brand w/o uniqueness? #eventprofs
@michellebruno N RT @tracibrowne: @michellebruno But what's the short answer Michelle ;-) #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Q4: How do you create engaging brand experience at your event? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @michellebruno But what's the short answer Michelle ;-) #eventprofs
@psalinger #eventprofs - wld have tried 2 join chat 2nite, but getting ready 4 early am flight 2 Orlando. hope 2 C many of U thr at #mpiwec11. hi all
@jtonerv A3 having the right people tell the other right people they are coming. Positive WOM #Eventprofs
@eventconference Conferencesubmit.com: Annual International Conference on Materials Science, Metal and Manufacturing http://bit.ly/nk4wox #eventprofs
@Brain_Of_Brian How to transfer your Facebook friends to Google+ all at once http://t.co/dhlnu6B >great instructional video #eventprofs #googleplus
@SeeboldMarCom double yes! RT @viktorixcom: Yes > RT @tracibrowne: A3 staying true 2 your vision + keeping the attendee experience front + cntr #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @GregRuby I didn't want to start a passionate coke vs. Pepsi debate;-) #eventprofs
@FeatherPieces Q2 Knowing your client base and superseding their expectations is crucial in gaining trust, brand loyalty, and referrals. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne good point. using strong brand equity to propel event forward. #eventprofs
@michellebruno Brand should endure across all channels--event is only one channel. Must start with brand me thinks. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne If I'm starting a new standalone event I'm with Greg...I will try to create my brand during planning #eventprofs
@GregRuby And Traci's point about Nike illustrates the other side of the equation. I would have used Coke as an example. :-) #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @tracibrowne: A2 changed my mind... Some events start with the brand...Sapphire example #eventprofs
@tracibrowne If my company is nike and I'm creating an event I'm starting with the brand #eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom Assns should use it to reposition themselves #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @Spaffy1013: Q2: How would you know where to start if there wasnt a brand to catapult your planning efforts? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @GregRuby do u think event brand shud be separate from dying assn? or assn use it to reposition themselves? #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Q2: How would you know where to start if there wasn't a brand to catapult your planning efforts? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @FeatherPieces Good marketing approach to brand development. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB A2: My corporate events: Brand starts with the event and mrktg/comms defines/shapes/delivers brand message. #eventprofs
@GregRuby If you have a dying assn, you can use the event to create a new brand image going forward. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @nickbalestra: q2 : to me single event doesnt create/define brand is just seed. when event repeat & grow, then brand kick in #eventprofs
@FeatherPieces @viktorixcom Q2 I believe focusing on your demographic and crafting a brand message that's laser-focused is a start. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne A2 changed my mind... Some events start with the brand...Sapphire example #eventprofs
@ASegar Yes RT @GregRuby: A2 I have done it both ways, brand around the event -&- build event around the brand. Depends on clients need #eventprofs
@nickbalestra q2 : to me a single event doesn't create/define a brand, is just a seed... when an event repeat and grow, then brand kick in #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom @viktorixcom @GregRuby define the brand and create event around it! #eventprofs
@Pogby I think it could go both ways. RT @viktorixcom: RE Define the brand & create event around it or event dictates the brand? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne Do you define the brand & create event around it, or event dictates the brand? #eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom A2 I have done it both ways, brand around the event -and- build the event around the brand. Depends on clients need #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Q2: I think the event is a way to reiterate your brand's message #eventprofs #eventprofs
@Pogby Q2: start with event objectives, and then design the brand around how to meet those objectives #eventprofs
@tracibrowne A2 what @gregruby said ;-) #eventprofs
@Naotuck @viktorixcom Not necessarily. Sent prematurely, understanding that other elements make up the brand as well. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @GregRuby Do you define the brand & create event around it, or event dictates the brand? #eventprofs
@Pogby Yes! RT @SeeboldMarCom: ... it comes down to brand authenticity // right! what you put out there better match what you deliver #eventprofs
@GregRuby A2 I'm not sure I fully understand the question. You begin defining your event brand at the beginning of the planning process #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Amen! RT @nickbalestra: brand is just a word #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @ASegar to be fair though, those that didn't hold newscorp in high regard now have less, those who did defend it vehemently #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom RT @viktorixcom: @tracibrowne it comes down to brand authenticity // right! what you put out there better match what you deliver #eventprofs
@nickbalestra Q2 - experience & content #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @nickbalestra every word has a meaning =) #eventprofs
@Pogby i agree @tracibrowne - once people believe the brand you have created you must also be able to deliver on that brand #eventprofs
@tracibrowne I agree somewhat...but it's only one piece RT @viktorixcom: @tracibrowne it comes down to brand authenticity #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Q2: Where or How do you begin defining your event brand? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne it comes down to brand authenticity #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 @tracibrowne I can brand myself as greenest...excellent example I see your point now =) #eventprofs #eventprofs
@nickbalestra brand is just a word #eventprofs
@socialtables Are You An #eventprofs Disruptor? by @lizlathan #pcma #mpi http://ow.ly/5Hwss
@viktorixcom We're coming up to Q2. Great responses to Q1: What is branding? #eventprofs
@ASegar Nope. Recent example: News of the World RT @BrandtKrueger: @asegar Two sides of the same coin? #eventprofs
@viktorixcom One can hope its the same coin & not two > RT @BrandtKrueger: @asegar Two sides of the same coin? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne I can brand myself as greenest event out there... But when attendees see al my plastics in a dumpster-who wins branding contest #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @FeatherPieces glad you could make it. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @spaffy1013 the personality and the personal perception of your own brand #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 RT@GregRuby I like to think that I was able to define my brand...I agree, isn't this the goal of marketing?@GregRuby#eventprofs #eventprofs
@FeatherPieces Good evening everyone! #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @asegar Two sides of the same coin? #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger RT @ASegar: Two definitions of brand here; 1) what you are putting forth 2) what a (potential) customer experiences #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: Two definitions of brand here; 1) what you are putting forth 2) what a (potential) customer experiences #eventprofs
@viktorixcom They need to align RT @ASegar: 2 definitions of brand here: 1) wat u r putting forth 2) what a (potential) customer experiences #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom @viktorixcom @tracibrowne no matter how you define yourself your customers do it 4 u! Your brand = whatever THEIR perception is #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @Pogby If that's what you wanted them to see it is a success branding wise...not necessarily a successful event #eventprofs
@GregRuby @tracibrowne I like to think that I was able to define my brand to my audience and not the other way around. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @Pogby: @tracibrowne Does that mean that when enough people see the same thing, your branding has been a success? #eventprofs
@ASegar Two definitions of brand here; 1) what you are putting forth 2) what a (potential) customer experiences #eventprofs
@Pogby @tracibrowne Does that mean that when enough people see the same thing, your branding has been a success? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @viktorixcom The crowd will always define your brand...all you can do is hope you've influenced it well #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @Naotuck do you think branding is only a visual experience? #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom A1, con't: branding = as communicated by the look/feel/tone of all outward facing biz functions and their verbal/visual messages #eventprofs
@viktorixcom RT @BrandtKrueger: & that occasionally you might need to market to yourself. Remind yourself that your brand is worth something #eventprofs
@Naotuck A1: Branding is the visual package that communicates position, vision, and service expectations of the organization. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne so do you let the crowd define ur brand or do u still do it urself? #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @viktorixcom and that occasionally you might need to market to yourself. Remind yourself that your brand is worth something #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Personally I think brand is in the eye of the beholder #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 RT viktorix @BrandtKrueger do you think branding should include inward perception...define inward perception? #eventprofs #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @BrandtKrueger yes, im in the same camp. your personality becomes the brand, hence the humanity of the brand. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Thanks for the RT @erinduke and hello to you. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB A1: An identifier. The way you want people to see you...one who stands above the rest. #eventprofs #cuemusic
@BrandtKrueger @viktorixcom I suppose only in the sense that the two are hopefully aligned. I tend to be in the "you are your brand" camp #eventprofs
@Pogby RT @Spaffy1013: Q1: Branding is a cohesive representation of yourself/company reinforced through various promotional channels #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Great example! RT @ASegar: Q1 Heres Seth Godins definition of brand, which I like: http://bit.ly/nIeAem #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Q1: Branding is a cohesive representation of yourself/company reinforced through various promotional channels #eventprofs #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @BrandtKrueger do you think branding should include inward perception as well? #eventprofs
@chrisuschan Less than 24 hours to the new #omnipress web site --- catch a glimpse http://ow.ly/i/eAeb #eventprofs #assnchat
@SeeboldMarCom RT @BrandtKrueger: A1: Branding is totality of outward perception of your company by world, including current/potential clients #eventprofs
@ASegar Q1 Here's Seth Godin's definition of brand, which I like: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2009/12/define-brand.html #eventprofs
@Pogby A1: the way you want people to portray yourself or a thing. a label in a sense that encompasses thoughts and feelings #eventprofs
@tracibrowne The image that comes to your attendees mind when they hear your event name #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Wow, that sounded pompous... #eventprofs
@Spaffy1013 Hi #eventprofs! My word is Energetic! #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger A1: Branding is the totality of the outward perception of you/your company by the world, including current & potential clients #eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom A1 Branding is how you position yourself to your audience, ideally in a positive light. #eventprofs
@Naotuck Naomi here. I'm lurking for now. #eventprofs
@SeeboldMarCom hello all - (joining #eventprofs - excuse the many tweets) Ellen here - one word: hardworking #eventprofs
@viktorixcom For the newbies.. include question number when answering, so others can keep track =) #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Who Is Competing For Your Member’s Wallets And Time? http://j.mp/rtVYle #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Q1: What is branding? In your own words. #eventprofs
@ASegar Picky, picky. RT @GregRuby: @ASegar I still think that is two words #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Let's jump into the branding! #eventprofs
@Pogby @viktorixcom great intro question to get the chat going #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger I suppose if you allow my parenthesis, I have to allow your hyphen, Adrian. @asegar #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Welcome everyone! #eventprofs
@Pogby @ASegar i liked the first one! #eventprofs
@GregRuby @ASegar I still think that is two words #eventprofs
@Eventige [VIDEO] 24 Hour Fitness: Derek Jeter Street Team - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCXauMNhE0M ---- #EventProfs #Street #Team #Gym #Fitness
@viktorixcom @BrandtKrueger Welcome! #eventprofs
@erinduke RT @SullyBridgetB: Attn Followers: Participating in #eventprofs chat starting now. Topic: Event Branding Moderator: @viktorixcom
@ASegar Adrian Segar, Conferences That Work. Er…supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? No. OK…participant-driven. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Indeed! >> RT @Pogby: Evening all! Liz here... One word - innovationista! #eventprofs
@Pogby Evening all! Liz here... One word - innovationista! #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Ha! RT @BrandtKrueger: Brandt. brand(t). #Eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne whats one word that describes your personality than? =) #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Bridget B. Sullivan from Charlotte - Producer #eventprofs
@eventintel Keisha from Atlanta- Modern #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Traci here...one eye on the game one eye on the chat...I'd be happy if I never heard the term personal brand again #Eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Brandt. brand(t). #eventprofs
@GregRuby Greg from Baltimore - Provocateur #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @ASegar Thanks for the tip. Bribery... its everywhere =) #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Attn Followers: Participating in #eventprofs chat starting now. Topic: Event Branding Moderator: @viktorixcom
@ASegar Viktor, just buy Greg a ticket to ANY event planner conference and he'll be happy… #eventprofs
@viktorixcom Please, introduce yourself and with only one word, describe your personal brand. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom {moderator} Hello everyone. Im Viktor, founder of Viktorix, & recovering event planner. I’ll be your moderator for this eve =) #eventprofs
@Naotuck FYI: Chatting with #eventprofs at 8p est for an hour..Filter if you need to.
@GregRuby @viktorixcom You could buy my best behavior tonight in exchange for a small donation. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @tracibrowne @GregRuby I don't need a mutiny on my hands tonight =) #eventprofs
@GregRuby @tracibrowne This is how the urban myth just grows and grows. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @GregRuby No! Don't do it...behave that is #Eventprofs
@GregRuby @viktorixcom I'll try to behave myself here tonight. #eventprofs
@viktorixcom @GregRuby Glad to see you could make it Greg =) #eventprofs
@GregRuby Participating in the #eventprofs hourlong chat starting at 9P. If not interested in the conversation, please filter rather unfollow. Thanks
@Gallagherstar Reading @DanielPink new book 'Drive' LOVING IT + movitation 3.0 is just what everyone needs to read!! #eventprofs #marketing
@viktorixcom 5 minutes until tonight's chat starts... topic? Event branding. #eventprofs
@jenkedinger @MichaelMcCurry noticed ur having an EventCamp in Europe. How's the #eventprofs attendance? I'd love to go, but prob not going to happen :(
@tracibrowne RT @viktorixcom: Join me for a #eventprofs in 10 min on TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/eventprofs #Eventprofs
@elizabethglau #MPISCC Reviews Best Planner/Supplier Interaction http://j.mp/pVEiFb #wec11 #eventprofs
@markbledsoe RT @EproGeri: I just signed up on the Twitter Roll for #asae11! Did you? @asaecenter http://bit.ly/asaetweet #assnchat #eventprofs #s ...
@epchat #eventprofs chat in 10 minutes: 9pm EST Event branding - Developing a Memorable Brand, moderator @viktorixcom http://bit.ly/nocKPa
@viktorixcom Join me for a #eventprofs in 10 min on TweetChat at: http://tweetchat.com/room/eventprofs #eventprofs
@viktorixcom 15 min until we start. Who's with us tonight? =) #eventprofs


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