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Chat Archive June 30 11

Page history last edited by Lara McCulloch-Carter 13 years, 3 months ago

@ready2spark Good morning & afternoon (depending on where you're located). Please introduce yourself & share a fun fact. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:00:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464024715345921 - #1
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@viktorixcom QR Me Hearties: Setting a QR Code Treasure Hunt at Your Eventhttp://j.mp/jWJtGM #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:00:10 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464048052436992 - #2
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@MPIOnePlus Women Business Travelers Wants: The number of women business travelers has been growing rapidly... http://bit.ly/jEwwL6 #mpi #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:00:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464092163932160 - #3
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@EGBreder Hello everyone! I'm Emily and I never wear shoes if I can help it.#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:00:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464242039009280 - #4
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@CventDG @ready2spark good afternoon. I'm Terri from Cvent and I love old-fashion soda pop! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:01:05 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464280744042496 - #5
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@CventDG @EGBreder wat 2 go! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:01:36 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464412256436224 - #6
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@ready2spark @EGBreder Welcome, Emily! There's nothing like the feeling of sand on your feet (unless it's hot) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:01:55 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464489565863937 - #7
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@NottsRC_Events A big thank you to @squaremealvande for our mention in their latest magazine http://bit.ly/l8rOPa #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:02:28 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464628405706753 - #8
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@PYMLive #eventprofs #PYM2011 #Denver is today! Follow the twitter feed at#PYM2011 starting at 3:30 pm MST. Tell your friends!

Thu Jun 30 16:02:28 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86464630280560640 - #9
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@EGBreder I'm in Tweetchat and I don't see @cventdg or the others either :(#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:05:23 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465363591692288 - #10
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@Eventige Get your afternoon #Advertising fix by taking a look at @AdAge Magazine Online by visiting http://AdAge.com ----- #EventProfs #Experiential

Thu Jun 30 16:05:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465375503515649 - #11
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@ready2spark @ASegar Hi Adrian! That's a bummer. It's a bit slow too. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:05:36 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465414879641600 - #12
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@JennaKellam @JeffHurt and his blog just got a shout out at #MEETUSA#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:05:45 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465452833898496 - #13
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@ASegar BTW, this is Adrian Segar and I also go barefoot whenever possible…#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:06:03 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465530793443328 - #14
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@CventDG @ready2spark maybe #eventprofs is rockin' too hard?

Thu Jun 30 16:06:08 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465550431170562 - #15
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@EGBreder @ASegar Maybe a no-shoes conference in the making? ;) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:07:02 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465777909239809 - #16
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@JoanEisenstodt Will we see funding w/held at other #CVB s like #Charlotte?http://bit.ly/mTZrBm #tourismchat #eventprofs #pcma #mpi

Thu Jun 30 16:07:03 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465781726060545 - #17
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@ready2spark This is one idea I blogged about a while ago. A marketing idea that has left an impression to this day. http://bit.ly/jAmXn9 #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:07:12 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465818174566400 - #18
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@ready2spark @EGBreder @ASegar Well, I'm sitting on my deck in the backyard with no shoes. So, I guess so. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:07:45 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465958830546944 - #19
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@ASegar @EGBreder I'll show you my feet if you show me yours. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:07:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86465997124546560 - #20
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@ready2spark Q1: What makes great marketing? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:08:05 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466042716635136 - #21
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@roelfrissen In Spa (Belgium) 2meet w/ fellow #MPI Leaders 2 create something new, big & sustainable!Curious? #eventprofs We are building a new platform!

Thu Jun 30 16:08:37 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466176338763776 - #22
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@CventDG @ready2spark great marketing cr8s immediate demand 4 product#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:08:42 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466197775855617 - #23
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@ASegar @ready2spark @EGBreder I am also shoeless. Wore my wellies briefly this morning to stack wood. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:08:50 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466230550151169 - #24
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@Streampoint @ready2spark #EventProfs - Dharmesh from Streampoint. Fun fact: Every time you lick a stamp, you're consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

Thu Jun 30 16:08:55 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466251173527552 - #25
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@KristiNihiser New blog post: @EventMobi Powers @Pathable Mobile!http://ow.ly/5u0w9 #eventprofs #eventtech

Thu Jun 30 16:08:58 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466265295749120 - #26
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@JsmithEmployed GOOD PR, word of mouth, create a hype for the event!! Communication is Key! RT @ready2spark: Q1: What makes great marketing?#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:10:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466752254447616 - #27
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@EGBreder Proof + Relevancy is a great deliverable, no pun intended #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:11:13 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466832290164736 - #28
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@Streampoint #EventProfs A1: Great marketing - something that sticks, that is different from the norm.

Thu Jun 30 16:11:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466908018311168 - #29
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@ASegar @ready2spark I like the egg story. A1 These days I think gr8 marketing BUILDS relationships and demand for product. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:11:35 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86466921326837760 - #30
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@roelfrissen #MPI Benelux is about to be created thanks 2 great leaders and the need 2 cooperate. #eventprofs http://4sq.com/jZEUZx

Thu Jun 30 16:11:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467004407623680 - #31
geo info: Point - lat = 50.50489088 - long = 5.8869338
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@jalkon Psyched for Big Apple Awards tonight. Congrats to all friends and others up for awards. #ISES #MPI #eventprofs #etouches #eventpeeps

Thu Jun 30 16:12:03 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467038398259200 - #32
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@CventDG Yes RT @ASegar: @ready2spark I like the egg story. A1 I think gr8 marketing BUILDS relationships & demand for product. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:12:30 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467155155091456 - #33
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@CventDG RT @roelfrissen: #MPI Benelux is about to be created thanks 2 great leaders and the need 2 cooperate. #eventprofs http://4sq.com/jZEUZx

Thu Jun 30 16:12:48 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467229012602880 - #34
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@ready2spark Q1: So far I have: long term not single sale, immediate demand, sticks, generates good PR #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:12:49 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467233181728769 - #35
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@ready2spark ...and is about relationships #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:13:13 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467334314786816 - #36
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@CventDG Agree! RT @ready2spark: Q1: So far I have: long term not single sale, immediate demand, sticks, generates good PR #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:13:14 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467339167604736 - #37
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@ready2spark Q2: What makes for bad marketing? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:13:31 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467409715793920 - #38
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@CventDG Long term =relationship #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:13:40 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467445644210176 - #39
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@EDPA_LVC Interested in playing in the 9th Annual Scholorship Golf Classic Aug. 19th? http://t.co/uU40zpt http://t.co/in8guRQ #eventprofs #tradeshow

Thu Jun 30 16:13:46 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467472856850433 - #40
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@EGBreder Relationships builds momentum behind Word of Mouth, most powerful PR #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:13:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467476711411712 - #41
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@CventDG I think in-your-face is bad marketing. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:14:23 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467625235922944 - #42
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@PathableTara RT @KristiNihiser: New blog post: @EventMobi Powers @Pathable Mobile! http://ow.ly/5u0w9 #eventprofs #eventtech

Thu Jun 30 16:14:24 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467633079255040 - #43
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@ASegar A2 Bad marketing: cookie-cutter same old, inauthentic, wrong medium#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:14:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467703849762816 - #44
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@EGBreder Q2: Bad marketing focuses on numbers and not people. People make choices about purchasing, not bank accounts. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:14:42 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467708530589697 - #45
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@ready2spark RT @ABCeyEvents: @ready2spark We think bad marketing is reaching out for the wrong audience. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:15:13 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467838688239616 - #46
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@ready2spark RT @polinchock: @ready2spark marketing that doesn't authentically speak for the product/service #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:15:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467866471317504 - #47
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@CventDG Def, RT @ready2spark: RT @ABCeyEvents: @ready2spark We think bad marketing is reaching out for the wrong audience. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:15:34 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467924398837761 - #48
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@mmcallen A2: Bad marketing is what I seem to do for my business..... working on it though :) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:15:38 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467942904115200 - #49
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@PathableTara @CventDG What would constitute in-your-face marketing, in your opinion? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:15:44 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467965360410625 - #50
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@pocojuan RT @EGBreder: Relationships builds momentum behind Word of Mouth, most powerful PR #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:15:44 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86467965972783104 - #51
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@CventDG The EDGY stuff, made just 2 win mktg awarrds RT @PathableTara: @CventDG What constitutes in-your-face marketing, iyo? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:17:55 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468514650652673 - #52
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@pocojuan RT @EGBreder: Q1: Great marketing builds relationships and focuses on the long term, not a single sale or measurement #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:18:09 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468576365658113 - #53
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@ready2spark @nancycjohnson Welcome, Nancy. We're talking about what makes for bad marketing. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:18:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468628001730560 - #54
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@roelfrissen Just saw the storyboard of our new @ParthenMS campaign. Excited that we came up w/ such a creative idea. More after Summer. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:18:27 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468652286750721 - #55
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@CventDG @mmcallen I miss your avatar ;) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:18:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468708096159744 - #56
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@ready2spark It's interesting how many more examples of bad marketing than good :) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:19:21 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468878418452480 - #57
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@TheEPICGrp RT @CelebSitters: Are u coming? "NNJWEP Family Day at Turtle Back Zoo" http://t.co/AuLEQRj for #NJ #wedding & #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:19:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468924740354048 - #58
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@PathableTara @EGBreder @CventDG Thanks-helpful. As a Mktg Mgr. I obvs. want to get our message out but do so in a compelling and engaging way#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:19:46 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86468981782872064 - #59
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@ASegar Q2 Oh, and anyone who cold calls me with a scripted pitch… :-)#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:19:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469024950661120 - #60
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@CventDG It's human nature ;) RT @ready2spark: It's interesting how many more examples of bad marketing than good :) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:20:11 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469086544007168 - #61
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@ready2spark Q3: If good marketing is focusing on ppl, understanding your aud & identifying products/serv they need. Why do so many go wrong? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:20:15 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469102566256640 - #62
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@EGBreder @ready2spark Good marketing is simple. Be real, be open, be honest. Bad marketing takes a lot more effort. :) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:20:31 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469170761441280 - #63
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@Streampoint RT @asegar: Q2 Oh, and anyone who cold calls me with a scripted pitch… :-) #eventprofs - I had to RT this.

Thu Jun 30 16:20:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469174133669888 - #64
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@BusyEvent @brandtkrueger Good to learn about your business and finally get a chance to chat with you Brandt. More fun to follow - ECTC?! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:20:33 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469178692874240 - #65
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@MaikeDooper RT @roelfrissen: In Spa (Belgium) 2meet w/ fellow #MPI Leaders 2 create something new, big & sustainable!Curious? #eventprofs We are bui ...

Thu Jun 30 16:20:51 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469256757256192 - #66
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@nancycjohnson I agree 100% RT @ASegar: Q2 Oh, and anyone who cold calls me with a scripted pitch… :-) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:21:00 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469292945715200 - #67
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@ready2spark Do we see sales & marketing as one in the same? RT @ASegar: Q2 Oh, and anyone who cold calls me with a scripted pitch… :-) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:21:49 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469498462412800 - #68
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@ASegar Q3 Bad marketers get lost in trying to make the sale to the exclusion of creating authentic relationships w/potential customers #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:02 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469554338934784 - #69
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@CventDG someone tried to sell me a cemetery plot when i was in the hospital.#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:10 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469587117416448 - #70
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@mmcallen @ASegar yes meetingspodcast has helped us a ton. Personally and business-wise #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:15 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469608005050368 - #71
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@BusyEvent Marketing = Strategery, Sales = Tactical. Work together, aligned goals. . . very different in practice. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469716557828096 - #72
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@PathableTara Not the same, but HAVE to be talking to/collaborating! RT @ready2spark: Do we see sales & marketing as one in the same? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:48 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469743975997440 - #73
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@ASegar @ready2spark Some marketer somewhere decided that cold calling was the way to sell me something #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:50 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469752444301313 - #74
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@CventDG I'd call that in-your-face RT @CventDG: someone tried to sell me a cemetery plot when i was in the hospital. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:22:58 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469786577534976 - #75
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@BusyEvent IMHO @ready2spark Marketing should be about story telling and content marketing. Sales is about 'dragging it home'. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:23:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469887765118977 - #76
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@ready2spark Is it laziness or lack of knowledge? RT @ASegar: Bad mrkrs get lost in the sale to the exclusion of creating relationships #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:23:23 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469893381304320 - #77
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@mmcallen @ready2spark Q3: not sticking to a strategy long enough to really test it.#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:23:46 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86469989556686848 - #78
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@nancycjohnson @ASegar @ready2spark Every sales job I've had requires Cold Calls or "You are not working!" #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:24:05 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470067243597824 - #79
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@KrisChapell RT @ready2spark: RT @BusyEvent: Marketing should be about story telling and content marketing. Sales is about dragging it home. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:24:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470272907100161 - #80
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@LindsayFultz /@ready2spark @ASegar I truly believe it's lack of knowledge. As @egbreder said bad marketing takes more effort. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:24:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470283640315904 - #81
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@CventDG RT @ready2spark: RT @BusyEvent: Marketing should be about story telling and content marketing. Sales is about dragging it home. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:25:01 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470305312288769 - #82
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@ready2spark @streampoint Do you think it can also sway the other way. Too focused on relationships, not focused enough on results? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:25:02 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470306046296065 - #83
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@Streampoint #EventProfs - A3: People will know who you are once they get to through the campaign. It is the experience that you want them to remember.

Thu Jun 30 16:25:10 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470342016634880 - #84
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@ASegar @nancycjohnson It's the scripting that gets to me sometimes. I could be talking to a machine. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:25:36 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470449529237504 - #85
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@BusyEvent AGREE!!! RT @streampoint: A3: Bad marketing occurs when campaign is driven to sell rather than experience/relationship #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:25:46 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470493577822209 - #86
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@EGBreder Q3: go wrong when focus on the wrong audience, worst audience focus is only on yourself and what your biz wants #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:16 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470617708249088 - #87
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@nancycjohnson @ASegar:Managers who require scripts have never sold anything! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:40 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470720166690816 - #88
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@CventDG @BusyEvent but marketing has to be abt supplying a need, not just relationship #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470721185906688 - #89
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@CelebrationsLLC did u know @CelebrationsLLC, North NJ's leading Event & Meeting managment firm, also offers social media & marketing services? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470721550827523 - #90
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@ready2spark @BusyEvent @streampoint Is there an appropriate balance between relationships & results? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:42 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470727334768640 - #91
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@mmcallen @ASegar @nancycjohnson maybe you are talking to a machine...#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:46 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470742602039296 - #92
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@EGBreder Q3: must provide a service/product that is really useful in the first place!#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:26:53 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470771936985089 - #93
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@Streampoint @ready2spark #eventprofs - there needs to be a balance for sure. But like the Egg, it is the experience that you were sold on

Thu Jun 30 16:27:03 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470816539217920 - #94
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@CventDG RT @EGBreder: Q3: must provide a service/product that is really useful in the first place! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:27:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470818942566400 - #95
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@ASegar @ready2spark I am selling something quite ethereal: event design & facilitation services. I _have_ to build relationships first. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:27:15 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470863460900864 - #96
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@ASegar Agree, but there's a lot of 'em about! RT @nancycjohnson: @ASegar:Managers who require scripts have never sold anything! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:27:44 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470986274308098 - #97
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@EGBreder balnace is: use results to define success of relationships, not vice versa#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:27:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86470999066947585 - #98
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@RaciPlace RT @pymlive: #eventprofs #PYM2011 #Denver is today! Follow the twitter feed at #PYM2011 starting at 3:30 pm MST. Tell your friends!

Thu Jun 30 16:27:57 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471042679320576 - #99
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@ASegar That could explain a lot :-) RT @mmcallen: @ASegar @nancycjohnson maybe you are talking to a machine... #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:28:11 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471099944140800 - #100
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@nancycjohnson I hear ya! RT @ASegar: Agree, but theres a lot of em about! RT @nancycjohnson: #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:28:28 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471169695428608 - #101
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@BusyEvent @ready2spark Yes, of course. My goal is for all relationships 2b good for everyone like my products and services. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:28:35 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471201270145025 - #102
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@EGBreder @ASegar I bet that machine is wearing shoes, too. :/ #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:28:51 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471268320292864 - #103
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@aspevents Who else has checked out Google Plus? What are your thoughts?#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:28:51 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471267800199169 - #104
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@vlaclair A few of my own reasons to attend #WEC11 http://wp.me/pBYdv-8r #mpi#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:28:57 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471292139737088 - #105
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@mikegranek Sayre Wiseman from Walt Disney Imagineering will be speaking about producing World of Color on July 14!! http://bit.ly/i97Wmr #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:06 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471330605711360 - #106
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@ready2spark @BusyEvent smile #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:07 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471335093616641 - #107
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@nancycjohnson Cute! RT @EGBreder: @ASegar I bet that machine is wearing shoes, too. :/ #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:19 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471384544456705 - #108
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@BusyEvent I'm more likely to make a 'sale' if I have a relationship of understanding that persons needs/goals. Without it, sales harder #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:24 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471405687943169 - #109
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@ready2spark Q4: What do you find is your greatest marketing challenge right now (i.e. resources, time, etc)? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471476659761152 - #110
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@ASegar I think I'll ask that of the next telemarketer who calls :-) RT @EGBreder: @ASegar I bet that machine is wearing shoes, too. :/ #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:52 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471524940382209 - #111
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@EGBreder You can have relationships without results, but not vice versa. Both are important, Relationships are the end goal. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:29:57 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471545488289792 - #112
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@carnyxevents SEA judging is now finished! To all who entered good luck and nominations will be announced very shortly #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:30:08 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471591579500544 - #113
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@FruitfulEvents #eventprofs: it's important to have a clear definition on what you will and won't do before it comes up.

Thu Jun 30 16:30:15 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471618339143681 - #114
tweet details
@ready2spark RT @streampoint here is a great article on the balance between sales and relationship. http://ow.ly/5u25A #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:30:17 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471629735075840 - #115
tweet details
@BusyEvent @ready2spark A4: Differentiation. So many 'me too' out there. Clients are confused and messages are blurry. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:30:24 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471659921489920 - #116
tweet details
@CventDG Q4: Building awareness 4 my product. Cvent is known 4 event reg software by I create content for planners. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:31:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471825961398272 - #117
tweet details
@polinchock but do you really want relationships with ppl who will never buy? at the EOD, mktng has to convert to purchase, doesn't it? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:31:06 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471835964813312 - #118
tweet details
@EGBreder Q4: Greatest marketing challenge: SEO is evolving and takes constant research. Worth the time. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:31:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86471945243213824 - #119
tweet details
@michellebruno YES they may refer or influence purchases RT @polinchock: but do you really want relationships with ppl who will never buy? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:31:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472042643333120 - #120
tweet details
@nancycjohnson @jaimemontague I feel your pain! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:31:58 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472050381819906 - #121
tweet details
@TheHylandGroup RT @MPI: #eventprofs You're running out of time to get the best rate for #WEC11. Prices increase Saturday so save $300 now: http://bit.l ...

Thu Jun 30 16:31:58 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472054056034305 - #122
tweet details
@ASegar gd article! RT @ready2spark: RT @streampoint here's a gr8 article on the balance between sales & relationship http://ow.ly/5u25A #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:32:00 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472061714833408 - #123
tweet details
@BusyEvent @polinchock Isn't that kind of like asking, "Do I only want to watch one type of sport"? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:32:03 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472074675236864 - #124
tweet details
@EGBreder @polinchock Some people are 'hubs' that connect you with people that do buy, but never buy themselves. That's fine. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:32:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472143931588611 - #125
tweet details
@ready2spark @BusyEvent Ah, ye old commoditized market...good storytelling should come in handy. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:32:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472152945147904 - #126
tweet details
@ready2spark RT @polinchock: do u really want relationships with ppl who will never buy? at the EOD, mktg has 2 convert 2 purch, doesnt it? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:32:58 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472303742959618 - #127
tweet details
@BusyEvent AGREE!!! RT @EGBreder: @polinchock Some people are 'hubs' that connect you with people that do buy, but never buy themselves. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:32:59 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472308910333952 - #128
tweet details
@ASegar @ready2spark But there are influencers who don't buy but whose opinion sways others #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:34:25 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472669511421953 - #129
tweet details
@EGBreder @ready2spark I will look forward to that! yes, Google is always moving. I use it for everything. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:34:27 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472678617251840 - #130
tweet details
@BusyEvent @ASegar We're focused on those channels where our customers live . . . made it easier to spend time and see results. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:34:30 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472689136582656 - #131
tweet details
@ready2spark @BusyEvent How is it working for you? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:34:30 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472690810109952 - #132
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@polinchock @BusyEvent but you're looking for someone to make a purchase. we don't really want to be friends, we want purchases #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:34:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472697185452034 - #133
tweet details
@LindsayFultz Yes---> RT @EGBreder: @polinchock Some people are hubs that connect you with ppl that do buy, but never buy themselves. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:34:42 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472742152577025 - #134
tweet details
@KRMMary RT @JeffHurt: Speaker Tips When Using A Live Stream, Backchannel And Face To Face Experience #eventprofs #pcma http://ow.ly/5tVNv

Thu Jun 30 16:35:12 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472865628688384 - #135
tweet details
@ASegar Me too RT @BusyEvent: @ASegar …focused on those channels where our customers live …made it easier to spend time and see results. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:35:16 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472881944535040 - #136
tweet details
@ready2spark RT @ASegar: But there are influencers who dont buy but whose opinion sways others #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:35:16 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86472883366412288 - #137
tweet details
@BusyEvent @polinchock BIIIIIG difference. Friends are for fun. Relationship focus on goals (ours and theirs). #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:35:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473049536335873 - #138
tweet details
@ASegar @BusyEvent But there are some hard-to-reach potential clients who may be worth my attention too. e.g. for me college teachers #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:36:10 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473110878044161 - #139
tweet details
@ready2spark I love how a talk on good/bad marketing is interrupted with company sales blasts through a social channel. Ironic. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:36:30 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473193317076993 - #140
tweet details
@EGBreder Channel focus is problematic b/c it changes so quickly, even from FB to Twitter. App I work 4 makes it much easier #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:36:42 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473245490032641 - #141
tweet details
@BusyEvent @ready2spark Focused time = results. We're measuring and seeing success in those channels. Surprisingly, NOT ones we thought. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:36:49 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473271398236160 - #142
tweet details
@ASegar @ready2spark It's like ads on TV or next to content on web pages. Some things don't change. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:37:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473426033840128 - #143
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@BrandtKrueger A4a: Getting folks to understand the breadth of what we do is probably our A#1. We get pigeonholed by clients, vendors #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:37:38 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473476801695744 - #144
tweet details
@CventDG Huh. RT @polinchock: @BusyEvent i agree with that, that's y i think language of SM creates usually unattainable goals #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:37:38 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473479033073664 - #145
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@BusyEvent @ASegar Agreed...we're prioritizing our opportunities and spend most time there. Too much time spent on nibblers was wasted. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:37:50 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473530413293569 - #146
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@ready2spark @BusyEvent Grt insight. Where u thought ud see success is not ultimately where you do. So, would you say testing is important? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:07 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473599724175360 - #147
tweet details
@BusyEvent @polinchock Attainable...and they have to be measurable against some metrics too. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:14 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473628132184064 - #148
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@Streampoint RT @busyevent: @ASegar Agreed...we're prioritizing our opportunities and spend most time there. Too much time spent on nibblers#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473679382388736 - #149
tweet details
@suzannecarawan A4: challenge in mktg is staying focused & keeping rest of org disciplined. also in really understanding the personas that exist #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473680762306560 - #150
tweet details
@ASegar Good point! RT @brandtkrueger: A4a: Getting folks to understand the breadth of what we do…We get pigeonholed by clients, vendors #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473706125275136 - #151
tweet details
@ready2spark @suzannecarawan Welcome, Suzanne! We're talking about your biggest challenges with marketing your business. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473742951260163 - #152
tweet details
@BusyEvent @brandtkrueger And partners...we thought you were a transport company until we learned more during our call yesterday. AGREE!!! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:44 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473756456914945 - #153
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@polinchock @CventDG we wrap SM in language of friendship, but really how many consumers want o go have a beer on a fri night with a brand? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:51 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473784453906432 - #154
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@BrandtKrueger A4b: And getting non-event folks to understand the diff between "party planners" and event/mtg planners. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:38:59 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473819744780288 - #155
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@mmcallen sorry lurking here.. great chat! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:13 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473875600310272 - #156
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@suzannecarawan biggest challenge #2 is time: there's more opportunities than time! also trying not to fall into trap of following competitors #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:27 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473935490785281 - #157
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@polinchock @CventDG we want to use SM to connect, to help, to sell, all good things. it's the friendship language i disagree with #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:27 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473935956348929 - #158
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@BusyEvent @suzannecarawan Personas are HUGE. Once we developed our target personas...the horizon became clear and the angels did sing! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:33 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473962598567937 - #159
tweet details
@deirdrereid Ha! RT @ready2spark: I love how a talk on good/bad marketng is interrupted w company sales blasts thu a social channel. Ironic. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:36 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86473973063360512 - #160
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@mmcallen RT @brandtkrueger:And getting non-event folks 2 understand the diff between "party planners" and event/mtg planners. <so true> #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:46 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474015539081216 - #161
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@michellebruno Is anyone using a social media marketing platform like Hubspot or Compendium in their efforts? Just curious. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:52 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474042349072385 - #162
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@BrandtKrueger aay, Mike, hope yer well! @mmcallen #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:39:59 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474070119559169 - #163
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@EGBreder RT @suzannecarawan: biggest challenge #2, not to fall into trap of following competitors #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:13 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474127233388545 - #164
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@Streampoint @michellebruno not at all.. have you? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:23 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474169130295296 - #165
tweet details
@suzannecarawan sooo true ! RT @mmcallen: RT @brandtkrueger: getting non-event folks 2 understand diff between "party planners" and event/mtg #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:25 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474178206773249 - #166
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@ready2spark Big issues so far: Commoditization, seo, time, prioritization, misunderstanding of services (cust), getting pigeonholed. 1/2 #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474208946819072 - #167
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@ready2spark 2/2...what advice do you have on any of these challenges?#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474270057840641 - #168
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@LindsayFultz /@michellebruno I've used Hubspot #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474272461160448 - #169
tweet details
@BusyEvent AGREE!!! RT @brandtkrueger:getting non-event folks 2 understand diff btwn "party planners" and event/mtg planners. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:48 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474276848418816 - #170
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@polinchock @ready2spark i'm a big believer in relationships, but both sides need similar expectations for relationship to work well, no? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:40:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474310323142658 - #171
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@BusyEvent @michellebruno Hubspot has been big for us. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:03 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474339679084544 - #172
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@FruitfulEvents Hoping to chime in...great chat! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474340421472257 - #173
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@BrandtKrueger (ALA Seinfeld, RE: "Party Planners") Not that there's anything wrong with that! No, of course not! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:07 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474355374166017 - #174
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@ASegar @michellebruno I talked w/Hubspot in 2009 about doing a conference with them & learned about their operation (contd.)… #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:18 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474399640858624 - #175
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@michellebruno I have been investigating but have yet to find folks in events using anything.RT @Streampoint: not at all.. have you? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474435808333824 - #176
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@CventDG Believe in what u do. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474432691974144 - #177
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@EGBreder @michellebruno I track indiv. who get ppl to sign up across all online platforms and reward them #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:41:52 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474545480990721 - #178
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@ready2spark @polinchock Yes - I think that's where the relationship building starts. Understanding needs, wants, desires & expectations. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:02 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474587684085760 - #179
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@eventsnorthern So what is the innovation you think has made the most impact on events industry in past 25 yrs? #25QEIICC #eventprofs #eventprofsuk

Thu Jun 30 16:42:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474593463840768 - #180
tweet details
@ASegar @michellebruno …Hubspot does a nice job packaging and supporting the whole soup-to-nuts SM/SEO marketing for their customers #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:05 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474596458561536 - #181
tweet details
@michellebruno cool. We will have to chat. RT @BusyEvent: @michellebruno Hubspot has been big for us. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:06 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474603370782720 - #182
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@mmcallen @brandtkrueger you too my friend! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:09 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474614544416769 - #183
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@CventDG SM is abt continuing the relationship online. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:15 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474638376443904 - #184
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@suzannecarawan another big challenge is staying true to your inner voice w/ thick enough skin to take it. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:21 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474666222436352 - #185
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@BusyEvent @michellebruno Some tools are broadcast (hubspot), some are listening (tweetdeck). We have a mix that we use to hit goals. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474669800165376 - #186
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@EGBreder You can see who is most influential without ever having to keep up on trends, much easier #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474773865054209 - #187
tweet details
@CventDG YES! RT @suzannecarawan: another big challenge is staying true to your inner voice w/ thick enough skin to take it. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:42:48 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474778189365248 - #188
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@michellebruno what kind of rewards? How do you track? RT @EGBreder: @michellebruno I track indiv. who get ppl to sign up #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:43:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474846896275456 - #189
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@BusyEvent Hey @michellebruno follow us and I'll send a DM for chat. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:43:08 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474863455379456 - #190
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@ready2spark @EGBreder Oh, don't get me going on measuring social influence ;)#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:43:30 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86474955914608640 - #191
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@suzannecarawan last challenge is realizing most orgs have nothing really interesting to add & yet are VERY noisy! be ok w/ being quiet at times #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:43:44 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475012596436992 - #192
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@EGBreder @eEvent does it standard. Each registration is prompted to share & tracked like an affiliate link. It's people, not platforms! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:44:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475162433765376 - #193
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@ready2spark @suzannecarawan I would agree that most companies lack a compelling value differentiator. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:44:34 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475223469273088 - #194
tweet details
@BusyEvent Agree to infinity!!! RT @suzannecarawan: last challenge is realiz most have nothinginteresting to add & yet are VERY noisy! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:44:51 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475294411735040 - #195
tweet details
@EGBreder Influence changes indiv. more than on each platofrms, then sub-spheres of influence, etc. Messy! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:04 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475349214502912 - #196
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@BusyEvent @ready2spark Yeah, what she said :>) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:05 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475352913883136 - #197
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@mmcallen Have to run... thanks Lara! great chat..... Have a great day everyone...#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:27 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475443825410049 - #198
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@CventDG @polinchock OK Gotcha. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:37 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475487412621312 - #199
tweet details
@ready2spark @mmcallen Thanks for participating, Mike! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:53 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475553477115905 - #200
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@BusyEvent @mmcallen SEeya Mike! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475560297041920 - #201
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@EGBreder Better per person, per event, have a leaderboard/gaming element, and RELEVANT reward at the event #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475568886972416 - #202
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@BrandtKrueger L8r, Mike #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:59 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475577837621248 - #203
tweet details
@suzannecarawan RT @EGBreder: Influence changes indiv. more than on each platofrms, then sub-spheres of influence, etc. Messy! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:45:59 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475580672970752 - #204
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@nancycjohnson have to run too (barefoot). Thanks all! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:46:16 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475652278140928 - #205
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@ready2spark Q5: Alright, last 15 minute wrap up: What are your key takeaways?#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:46:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475668078075904 - #206
tweet details
@ASegar #eventprofs A reporter from Connect is interviewing me in 30 minutes & sent the following Q. Responses? "Wha… (cont) http://deck.ly/~4VpVl

Thu Jun 30 16:46:23 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475680568709120 - #207
tweet details
@BusyEvent FACT: 73% of exhibitors come to event with no specific leads management plan to FU after. Basically, show up & throw up...SAD! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:46:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475812332781569 - #208
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@CventDG Q5: relationship, differentiator, results, don't call me @ the hospital.#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:47:12 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475887821852673 - #209
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@BusyEvent A5: Have a PLAN and leverage the tools to accomplish those goals!#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:47:26 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475945443196928 - #210
tweet details
@EventNewsBlog Sainsbury’s hosts three months of training events at Center Parcs - http://tinyurl.com/3zmfhou #eventprofs #fb

Thu Jun 30 16:47:38 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86475996978610176 - #211
tweet details
@ready2spark Source? RT @BusyEvent: FACT: 73% exhibitors come to event with no specific lead mgmt plan. Basically, show up & throw up...SAD! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:47:42 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476012086497280 - #212
tweet details
@BusyEvent @ASegar That question sounds more like a term paper topic then something for an interview...sure it's legit? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:48:18 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476163769315328 - #213
tweet details
@Conference_News Congratulations on opening number 10 at Plimlico. Fantastic garden. #etcvenuelaunch #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:48:35 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476233310867456 - #214
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@BusyEvent @ready2spark CEIR..sorry, should have sighted before. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:48:39 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476251061166080 - #215
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@BusyEvent #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:48:40 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476254823448576 - #216
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@ready2spark @BusyEvent No worries - great stat, just wanted to look up research.#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:49:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476429566558208 - #217
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@cpudan Hotels and Spas Get Into the Social Media Day Spirithttp://skygrid.me/jyQvUk #smhq #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:49:30 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476464299589632 - #218
tweet details
@ASegar It's legit. I don't write 'em, I just try to answer 'em. RT @BusyEvent: @ASegar Question sounds more like a term paper topic… #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:49:41 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476510982193152 - #219
tweet details
@Streampoint RT @busyevent: FACT: 73% of exhibitors come to event with no specific leads management plan to FU after. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:49:55 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476569257836544 - #220
tweet details
@EventNewsBlog Smiths Waste Management wins Recycling at the CLA Game Fair - http://tinyurl.com/3b6v9s9 #eventprofs #fb

Thu Jun 30 16:50:32 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476724241575936 - #221
tweet details
@suzannecarawan @asegar Ummm.. aren't you a consultant? seems like you should send them a bill with your answer ;) #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:50:45 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476781095370752 - #222
tweet details
@SarahTLCLtd RT @Conference_News: Congratulations on opening number 10 at Plimlico. Fantastic garden. #etcvenuelaunch #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:50:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476786065616897 - #223
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@Streampoint #eventprofs - have to run - Great chat Lara and thank you.

Thu Jun 30 16:51:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476924775444481 - #224
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@ready2spark Q5: Wrap up so far - have a plan, focus on people, measure, understand customers, sell what ppl want, value differentiator #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:51:20 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86476925320691712 - #225
tweet details
@ready2spark @streampoint Thank you for participating, Dharmesh #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:51:47 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477038214586368 - #226
tweet details
@EGBreder Me too, gotta go. If any1 wants to chat more, email emily at eevent dot com. Thanks, Lara and everyone! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:51:51 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477056728240128 - #227
tweet details
@suzannecarawan Q5: be people-centric. have a voice if you have something to say. be different. add value. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:51:53 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477064592568320 - #228
tweet details
@CventDG RT @ready2spark Marketing:Have a plan, focus on people, measure, understand customers, sell what ppl want, value differentiator #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:52:06 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477118250303488 - #229
tweet details
@ready2spark @EGBreder Thank you! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:52:07 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477124566908928 - #230
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@BusyEvent Who in the events management role is responsible for helping exhibitors leverage the event? Is there a role in that for #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:52:09 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477131906957312 - #231
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@ASegar I just hope it's good PR :-) RT @suzannecarawan: @asegar Ummm.. arent you a consultant? #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:52:10 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477135006535680 - #232
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@EGBreder RT @suzannecarawan: Q5: be people-centric. have a voice if you have something to say. be different. add value. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:52:29 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477216988409856 - #233
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@ready2spark It's social media day today. I'm having some cake on the deck.#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:52:56 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477329735487488 - #234
tweet details
@Mike_McDaniel It was good to see everyone here in #LasVegas this week for#HCEA, & it was another good show. #HCEA11 #eventprofs #tradeshows

Thu Jun 30 16:53:06 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477370944524288 - #235
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@BrandtKrueger Gotta fly! Glad I could top in for a bit, at least. Thanks Lara for modding! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:53:08 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477379190538240 - #236
tweet details
@BrandtKrueger RT @suzannecarawan: Q5: be people-centric. have a voice if you have something to say. be different. add value. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:53:27 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477460836843523 - #237
tweet details
@ASegar GTG. Thanks Lara! Surprised at light turn out today on this topic. Perhaps it's the beautiful weather… #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:53:29 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477468441133057 - #238
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@suzannecarawan @ready2spark- i think the same but trading in cake for mojitos to celebrate #socmed day! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:53:45 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477532194553857 - #239
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@ready2spark @brandtkrueger Pleasure - as long as it's not muddling :)#eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:53:52 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477564947869696 - #240
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@ASegar Next week’s #eventprofs chat July 5, 9-10pm EST, subject TBD, moderator @michaelmccurry. Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!

Thu Jun 30 16:53:54 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477570551447552 - #241
tweet details
@Anna_Huddleston HCEA releases 2010 State of the Industry report -http://goo.gl/Y11NP #tradeshows#eventprofs#hcea11

Thu Jun 30 16:53:59 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477594429632513 - #242
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@ready2spark @ASegar :) Maybe. Thanks for chatting. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:54:06 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477623529705472 - #243
tweet details
@CventDG RT @Anna_Huddleston: HCEA releases 2010 State of the Industry report - http://goo.gl/Y11NP #tradeshows#eventprofs#hcea11

Thu Jun 30 16:54:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477691515174912 - #244
tweet details
@EDPA_LVC RT @Mike_McDaniel: It was good to see everyone here in#LasVegas this week for #HCEA, & it was another good show. #HCEA11#eventprofs #t ...

Thu Jun 30 16:55:07 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477876978921472 - #245
tweet details
@ready2spark Well, thank you everyone for coming out for today's chat. I hope it's inspired you to market better. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:55:08 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86477882905468928 - #246
tweet details
@BusyEvent @ready2spark How do I sign up to moderate an eventprofs chat? Have a topic I want to explore. #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:55:39 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86478011393769472 - #247
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@CventDG @ready2spark Thanks, Lara! Gr8 info today! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:55:43 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86478031132180480 - #248
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@suzannecarawan was nice to find a slice of time to participate again! i always feel refreshed after chatting w/ #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:55:50 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86478057292042241 - #249
tweet details
@JaredGolberg Rooftop patio lunch with the @5elementevents team! Well deserved! #eventprofs (@ Owl & Firkin) http://4sq.com/iGhJ01

Thu Jun 30 16:56:22 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86478193070047232 - #250
tweet details
@ready2spark @CventDG Just sorry no one could see your tweets! #eventprofs

Thu Jun 30 16:57:28 +0000 2011 - tweet id 86478470368067585 - #251
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