susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
Here we go folks! If you are joining the chat, please introduce yourself and tell us what your favorite summer drink is. #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
Tonight we are discussing blog worthy events and their importance. #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
Q1: Do you take into consideration whether there are blog worthy elements in your event during the planning stage? #eventprofs
SullyBridgetB Bridget B Sullivan
A1: Sad to say, I don't thinking about blog worthy elements until middle of the planning process. Need to understand content #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
A1 I can't say I think about it during the planning stage, but I consider while designing. Better pictures for the blog #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
The event should come 1st. Don't sacrifice quality for blogness RT @ASegar: For me, the event comes 1st & any blogness follows. #eventprofs
tracibrowne traci browne
arriving late...caught up but still not sure I understand blog worthiness, can you define? #eventprofs
ASegar Adrian Segar
Perhaps if we widen from "blog-worthy" to creating buzz (either social or old media style) the topic becomes more relevant? #eventprofs
tracibrowne traci browne
I plan for bloggers the same I do journalists, give them space to do what they do where people can't swamp them and provide food #eventprofs
GregRuby Greg Ruby
I always hope will say positive things about my events & work hard to ensure that, but they r gonna say what they r gonna say #eventprofs
tracibrowne traci browne
but I would never manipulate my event just to make it "blog worthy" I don't even understand that still #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
Q2: Do we think having a blog worthy event is a concern for our clients? Is it something we need to consider? #eventprofs
ASegar Adrian Segar
No, worrying about that would unduly inhibit me RT @susanlynncope: @ASegar Do U consider wht others will say abt yr event? #eventprofs
GregRuby Greg Ruby
Advise the client to put their best foot forward & be consistent with the message. But the buzz cannot/should not be controlled #eventprofs
ASegar Adrian Segar
We need some special event folks to give us their take on this topic. @PinkDeb, are you on the Twitter right now? #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
RT @GregRuby: Advise the client to put their best foot forward & be consistent. But the buzz cannot/should not be controlled #eventprofs
tracibrowne traci browne
if not worth talking abt not worth doing RT @projectmaven: if your event has integrity, then you can be more confident of blogs #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
RT @SullyBridgetB: A2: One client focused on product launch at conf & was concerned about blog/tweet/FB worthiness. #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
As a special event person, it is my job to make my client's event shine. If I do my job, the event WILL be blog worthy. #eventprofs
susanlynncope Susan L. Cope Events
Q3: What elements need to be in place to ensure a successful blog worthy event? As planners what are we responsible for? #eventprofs
ASegar Adrian Segar
Picky, picky :-) RT @tracibrowne: @ASegar I would say its been an important media strategy for at least a couple/few years #eventprofs
michellebruno Michelle Bruno
My only thought is that having a content strategist or independent consultant to help event planners could be a way to go #eventprofs
michellebruno Michelle Bruno
It's not always about the mechanics of blogging or tweeting, content creativity is just as important #eventprofs
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