
Archive - May 24, 2011

Page history last edited by john@theperfectmeeting.com 13 years, 6 months ago

@perfectmeeting Welcome #eventprofs. John Nawn here, founder of www.ThePerfectMeeting.com and moderator for today. Topic for today is Meeting Design.
@perfectmeeting This chat is part of #mpi research. This is your chance to contribute to and influence the research direction. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting Q1: What words describe the term ‘meeting design’? I’ll aggregate your responses into a word cloud and post for viewing. #eventprofs
@ASegar Q1 Let's start with "beyond logistics" #eventprofs
@BusyEvent Q2: 'design' is about goals and a big picture, 'planning' is about logistics. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Q1: human interaction #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting who's responsible for setting goals? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne a1 Focus on attendee experience and overall event goal #eventprofs
@tracibrowne whoops, just one word? A1 Attendee #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting what defines the attendee experience #eventprofs? who's responsible for this now? is it not happening already?
@SullyBridgetB Q2: Meeting design is liking threading a needle - communication is the thread... #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @perfectmeeting the attendee experience is everything from the moment they register through what they do after the event #eventprofs
@susanlynncope as planners we set the stage it is the attendees responsibility to engage #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @BusyEvent: Q2: 'design' is about goals and a big picture, 'planning' is about logistics. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne agree RT @SullyBridgetB: RT @BusyEvent: Q2: design is about goals and a big picture, planning is about logistics. #eventprofs
@BusyEvent RT @susanlynncope: as planners we set the stage it is the attendees responsibility to engage AGREE!!! #eventprofs
@ASegar Q1 big picture, goals, mission, great attendee experience, focus, process, pedagogy #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting can we facilitate engagement, #eventprofs? if so, examples?
@tracibrowne providing tools RT @perfectmeeting: can we facilitate engagement, #eventprofs? if so, examples? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne creating a safe place RT @perfectmeeting: can we facilitate engagement, #eventprofs? if so, examples? #eventprofs
@ASegar .@susanlynncope We can support and encourage engagement—or we can create meetings that sabotage them. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting example of tools, #eventprofs? your favorite?
@brandtkrueger Lurking with a chance of comment tonight. ( On phone while comp is in use) #eventprofs
@tracibrowne I like that RT @ASegar: .@susanlynncope We can support and encourage engagement—or we can create meetings that sabotage them. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @BusyEvent Yes, set the stage by providing the tools/ways/guidance to engage #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting So... how bout Q2: How is meeting design different from meeting planning? Please list Q# in your tweet. #eventprofs
@ASegar Meeting format & processes are fundamental tools RT @perfectmeeting: example of tools? #eventprofs
@executiveoasis We can facilitate engagement through how we set up the room and deliver the content. #eventprofs
@susanlynncope .@ASegar I completely agree. We need to provide a setting that promotes engagement. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne online communities, social media, mobile apps, cocktail parties, etc. RT @perfectmeeting: example of tools, your favorite? #eventprofs
@susanlynncope RT @executiveoasis We can facilitate engagement through how we set up the room and deliver the content. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting Q2: what do designers do differently, #eventprofs?
@ASegar Yup RT @BusyEvent: Q2: design is about goals and a big picture, planning is about logistics. #eventprofs
@executiveoasis Park people in rows & yak at them & it's guaranteed we'll kill engagement. Yet, many conf. are designed that way #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Agree RT @tracibrowne: online communities, social media, mobile apps, cocktail parties, etc. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne a2 I've always seen meeting planning as carrying out someone else's vision, designers create the vision #eventprofs
@ASegar Q2 Meeting designers think about goals & tools to reach those goals _before_ planning anything #eventprofs
@executiveoasis A2 Event design = the concept, planning = execution. Compare it to an architect's blueprint vs construction. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting wouldn't planners agree on need for goals, #eventprofs? doesn't everyone?
@BusyEvent @tracibrowne A good designer will leave room for a planners interpretation and a good planner will use their experience to do so #eventprofs
@ASegar .@tracibrowne I think vision is created as collaboration between designers & clients #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @executiveoasis yes, nothing like looking at the back of someone's head that says let's engage! #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB RT @ASegar: Q2 Meeting designers think about goals & tools to reach those goals _before_ planning anything #eventprofs
@BusyEvent AGREE!!! RT @ASegar: .@tracibrowne I think vision is created as collaboration between designers & clients #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting do/can planners design and vice-versa, #eventprofs?
@tracibrowne but what if it's your event - not client's RT @ASegar:I think vision is created as collaboration between designers & clients #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger A2 all good answers, folks #eventprofs
@ASegar They might say they agree, but it's often lip-service RT @perfectmeeting: wouldnt planners agree on need for goals? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne I have come across very few who even ask RT @perfectmeeting: wouldnt planners agree on need for goals? doesnt everyone? #eventprofs
@ASegar I think spec events are the exception, Traci, not the rule :-) RT @tracibrowne: but what if its your event - not clients #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger part of separating the wheat from the chaff RT @tracibrowne: I have come across very few who even ask #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting interested in knowing if/how planners & designers collaborate, #eventprofs.
@SullyBridgetB Meeting designers often get involved with the overall communications strategy of the organization to make sure everything fits #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @brandtkrueger in all fairness I don't care...I just expect them to fulfill a list of tasks and stay on budget - exp dictates? #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting Moving right along...Q3: What do YOU want to know about meeting design? Please list Q# in your tweet. #eventprofs
@ASegar I think designers need to have a decent knowledge of planning issues RT @perfectmeeting: if/how planners & designers collaborate #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @tracibrowne Aye, but a good planner should, IMHO. Even if not designing, just executing, one should know the goals. Subtleties #eventprofs
@ASegar You're the exception not the rule RT @tracibrowne: @ASegar I see, but in my world I am the client and the producer #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting guess i'd like to know why, too, #eventprofs
@tracibrowne very true- thinking architect builder metaphor RT @ASegar: I think designers need to have a decent knowledge of planning issues #eventprofs
@ASegar @brandtkrueger In an ideal world, designers would be planners & vice versa :-) #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger (continuing the metaphor) I could probably design one heck of a building, but yeesh it'd probably be a nightmare (or impossible) #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting So...Q3: What do YOU want to know about meeting design? Please list Q# in your tweet. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne I understand but don't want to do-logistics blech RT @ASegar: In an ideal world, designers would be planners & vice versa :-) #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Q3: from an ops standpoint, I'd like to know that the planning was taken into account in the design, as prev. mentioned #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Q3: How do you effectively do real time testing of ideas before the meeting, factoring in the thumbs up from stakeholders #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Q3 cont.- Design is all well and good but if it's un-executable, what's the point? #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting like the prototyping idea, #eventprofs. should meetings be incubators for new ideas, continuous improvement?
@SullyBridgetB Amen to that brother! RT @BrandtKrueger: Q3 cont.- Design is all well and good but if it's un-executable, what's the point? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @SullyBridgetB I think it involves a lot of market research...at least I spend a lot of time asking questions #eventprofs
@eventsforgood I think you mean self-produced, not special RT @ASegar: Like a spec house, like ExhibitCamp RT @tracibrowne: spec events? #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @perfectmeeting We proto-test on ourselves, usually- testing teambuilding activities on our own company meeting first. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne brilliant! RT @brandtkrueger: Q3 cont.- Design is all well and good but if its un-executable, whats the point? #eventprofs
@ASegar Whenever possible. Try new stuff! RT @perfectmeeting: should meetings be incubators for new ideas, continuous improvement? #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @tracibrowne Research for sure...focus group style???? #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting example of un-executable, #eventprofs? how'd it get into the plan in the 1st place?
@ASegar Yes RT @eventsforgood: I think you mean self-produced, not special #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @perfectmeeting yes, but be sure to have a goal when trying something new so you know if it worked #eventprofs
@ASegar That's why designers need 2 know planning RT @brandtkrueger: Q3 Design is all well & good but if its unexecutable, whats the pt? #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @SullyBridgetB no focus groups...I think they are worthless, I pick up the phone and talk to people #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Love it! RT @BrandtKrueger: We proto-test on ourselves, usually-testing team building activities on our own company mtg first. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting what data/info do you need now that you don't have in order to design better meetings, #eventprofs?
@ASegar Nice! RT @brandtkrueger: We proto-test on ourselves, usually-testing teambuilding activities on our own company meeting first. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting what do you need to know about attendees you don't already to max attendee experience, #eventprofs?
@BrandtKrueger Un-executable is rarely literal. Allow me to rephrase with "design with little to no regard" for execution :) #eventprofs
@tracibrowne I don't need so much data, but I go to a lot of events to get new ideas and see what is engaging #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @tracibrowne Agree with pikcing up the phone and talking to people #eventprofs
@ASegar @perfectmeeting There's so much that isn't known e.g. optimum size for small groups; what processes best satisfy given goals #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting seems like experiential learning is preferred method of this group - see one, do one, teach one like in medicine, #eventprofs.
@SullyBridgetB If continuous improvement is not part of the equation the meeting will have a short life #eventprofs
@tracibrowne the hardest part is everyone has a different way of learning, different opinion as to what is engaging, how do you please all #eventprofs
@ASegar I wish that was true RT @SullyBridgetB: If continuous improvement is not part of the equation the meeting will have a short life #eventprofs
@ASegar @SullyBridgetB After all, meetings haven't changed much in the last few hundred years :-) #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Due to lack of design? RT @ASegar: ...After all, meetings haven't changed much in the last few hundred years :-) #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting How bout this...Q4: What should OTHERS know about meeting design? Please list Q# in your tweet. #eventprofs
@ASegar You can't, but you can strive to maximize pleasure/involvement/other goal metrics RT @tracibrowne: …how do you please all #eventprofs
@tracibrowne A4 your meeting is to benefit the attendee, not a list of check boxes for you to complete #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting if design is influencing business, why not meetings, #eventprofs?
@ASegar Q4 "What should OTHERS know about meeting design?" First, in some cases, that meeting design exists :-) #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger A4: That it should be considered before any part of the planning process begins. All decisions (city, venue, agenda) shld flow #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger LoL RT @ASegar: Q4 "What should OTHERS know about meeting design?" First, in some cases, that meeting design exists :-) #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Outside of associations there R some gr8 meeting designs out there, people trying new things and really engaging their audience #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting how might we spread the good word of 'design, #eventprofs?
@SullyBridgetB Current clients evaluations and post-conference/meeting surveys are revealing greater desire for increased educational value #eventprofs
@tracibrowne LMAO RT @ASegar: Q4 "What should OTHERS know about meeting design?" First, in some cases, that meeting design exists :-) #eventprofs
@executiveoasis Re: unexecutable how did it get into plan in 1st place? Ultimately, client makes decision. Some ignore #eventprofs advice.
@executiveoasis @BrandtKrueger Pre-testing team building is important Sometimes this is an affordable option for non-profits. #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger @executiveoasis Or decisions are made before, or without asking, EPs advice at all :) #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB Sad, but true! RT @ASegar: Q4 "What should OTHERS know about meeting design?" 1st, in some cases, that meeting design exists :-) #eventprofs
@ASegar "How might we spread the good word of design?" Ultimately, by exposing people to innovative designs. Telling rarely works. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne we're preaching to the choir here on event design, professional orgs for meeting planners need to put more focus on it #eventprofs
@executiveoasis @BrandtKrueger I've seen that with committees of inexperienced employees. Vision is carved in stone. Advice is ignored #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Yarp. RT @ASegar: "spread the good word of design?" Ultimately, by exposing people to innovative designs. Telling rarely works. #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @ASegar Sounds like an #eventcamp is in order :) #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting i'm doing research on design w/ #mpi, #eventprofs. what questions should we ask of whom?
@ASegar Talk to the ppl who are trying new stuff RT @perfectmeeting: im doing research on design w/ #mpi, <who do we ask?> #eventprofs
@brandtkrueger What is this "event camp" of which you speak? :) #ectc #ecnc #ecec #eceu(?) #ecwc(?) #ecca(?) #eventprofs
@ASegar .@perfectmeeting Focus on the _human barriers_ to innovation. Many are scared (understandably) to try something new. #eventprofs
@executiveoasis RT @SullyBridgetB Post-conference/meeting surveys are revealing greater desire for educational value <-- It's about time #eventprofs
@ASegar Beats me :) RT @brandtkrueger: What is this "event camp" of which you speak? :) #ectc #ecnc #ecec #eceu(?) #ecwc(?) #ecca(?) #eventprofs
@susanlynncope This! RT @ASegar Focus on the _human barriers_ to innovation. Many are scared (understandably) to try something new. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting Home stretch, #eventprofs...Q5: What is the OBJECTIVE of meeting design (what’s intended to be attained or accomplish)?
@tracibrowne I agree with Adrian, MPI should be talking to people who are doing innovative meetings...not associations #eventprofs
@ASegar Q5 A prime objective of meeting design is to create an event that maximally satisfies clients' goals. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne A5 it depends on the meeting, there is no one objective to meeting design - but attendee experience should be front of mind #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Nice. RT @ASegar: Focus on the _human barriers_ to innovation. Many are scared (understandably) to try something new. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting i've started list of innovative meetings, #eventprofs, send me yours now or at john@theperfectmeeting.com. i'll circulate list.
@BrandtKrueger @asegar Oh, and I originally read that as "scarred", which might also be true. #eventprofs
@executiveoasis @tracibrowne I agree with Traci. Associations can be risk-averse & resistant to trying innovative models. #eventprofs
@tracibrowne definitely scarred RT @brandtkrueger: @asegar Oh, and I originally read that as "scarred", which might also be true. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting also starting a bibliography for meeting professionals interested in design issues. let me know what's on your night stand, #eventprofs.
@ASegar All the eventcamps. By the end of 2011, there will have been 8 of em RT @perfectmeeting: ive started list of innovative meetings #eventprofs
@ASegar @perfectmeeting Check out "The Change Handbook" and <ahem> my book :) #eventprofs
@executiveoasis @perfectmeeting If you follow participants in this chat we can send you info. quickly #eventprofs
@tracibrowne @perfectmeeting Also Exhibit Camp (not related in any way to event camps) obviously TED and PopTech also the Aid Forum #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting got these...looking for more books, meetings, etc. that would be good learning resources, #eventprofs.
@ASegar @perfectmeeting Also, Weinberger's "Everything is Miscellaneous" and Surowiecki's "The Wisdom of Crowds" #eventprofs
@tracibrowne quite frankly some of the most innovative events are being done by those outside the events industry #justmadeenemies #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting any last thoughts to influence direct the research, #eventprofs?
@perfectmeeting lol. i was talking w/ hugh forest, head of sxsw, #eventprofs. there are no CMP's on his planning staff! Can you say 'Wake Up Call?'
@ASegar @perfectmeeting Training in improv & facilitation are skills that will increase in importance #eventprofs
@SullyBridgetB @perfectmeeting I learned a lot. Thanks for moderating and coming up with some great questions. Good luck with your research. #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting and on that note, #eventprofs, watch for the archive...thanks for the chat.
@BrandtKrueger I gotta fly, folks. So very glad that chat is back. Thx to @asegar for leading the charge, and all those who've stepped up! #eventprofs
@BrandtKrueger Thx @perfectmeeting for the mod. Well done. Be well, all! #eventprofs
@ASegar Thanks @perfectmeeting! One last Q; which one of the people in your Twitter avatar is you? :) #eventprofs
@tracibrowne Thank you @perfectmeeting for a great chat and also @ASegar for bringing them back to life! these chats open my mind #eventprofs
@perfectmeeting the good looking one, of course, #eventprofs.
@tracibrowne thanks to all who participated as well...and great to "see" you again Brandt! #eventprofs


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