
Archive - May 5, 2011

Page history last edited by Adrian Segar 13 years, 9 months ago
@carolyn_ray I'm Carolyn the Enthusiastic Planner (& Education Director for the Event Leadership Institute-@eventleaders)-loved media studies #eventprofs
@TuvelComms 7 Ways to Build Community (and Interest) with Twitter Chats http://ht.ly/4NRNA #engage365 #eventprofs #nonprofits #assnchat
@carolyn_ray And we're live! let's introduce ourselves with name and favorite subject in high school #eventprofs
@PYMLive Reason #944 to come to PYMLive Dallas 5/12: #eventprofs networking, networking, networking http://ow.ly/4NYjC #mpi #pcma #iaap
@EventfulPrdctns Man has liver transplant and has a #barmitzvah FOR HIS LIVER! http://bit.ly/iGw621 #eventprofs,check out this touching story! #mitzvahmonday
@Eventige Get your afternoon #Advertising fix by taking a look at @AdAge Magazine Online by visiting http://AdAge.com ----- #EventProfs #Experiential
@webcaston hi @carolyn_ray, nick caston, san diego, i had an awsome genetics class back in the pre-human genome days #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Hey Nick! Glad to have you here! #eventprofs
@susanlynncope Susan Cope and I am lurking, eating breakfast and writing a proposal. Art class was my favorite. #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Q1: How do you feel about the current state of education in the event industry? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Hi Susan! Hope it is delicious :) #eventprofs
@eventamplifier @carolyn_ray Hi Carolyn (and other #eventprofs) I'm Kirsty, I'm an event amplifier and my favourite subject was English
@melissary RT @carolyn_ray: Q1: How do you feel about the current state of education in the event industry? #eventprofs
@conferencehound 18 conferences today across marketing & pr, education, internet & web, food & beverage & more http://snff.in/lvhUzB #eventprofs
@webcaston edu at events is improving dramatically due to the level engagement enabled by SM, technology, options, etc... no doubt about it #eventprofs
@melissary Q1: I think a lot of the "education" in event planning is the real life experience. Some situations can't be learned in class! #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Hi Melissa and Kirsty, happy you are joining us! Q1 how do you feel about the current state of education in the event industry? #eventprofs
@melissary Q1: Also, a lot of the education comes from attending events, networking, and going through the certification(s) process. #eventprofs
@melissary Hi @carolyn_ray! Glad you're moderating today :) #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @webcaston Very true! I'm actually more concerned about education for event planners. Do you feel that there is enough? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @melissary Absolutely, do you think that there is anything that we can do to facilitate that process? #eventprofs
@eventamplifier #eventprofs A1:I've found younger #eventprofs quite open to learning & new models etc. I think its the more traditional who need encouraging
@webcaston @carolyn_ray There is plenty but it seems like there are too many cooks in the kitchen and it's coming from every direction. #eventprofs
@webcaston Planners align themselves with groups/assns that offer business opps/networking first... education is an after thought. #eventprofs
@projectmaven Hi everyone. Deborah Pannell joining in... probably just lurking for a bit... attempting to multi-task... but mine was Music. #eventprofs
@Pogby Late start but here! @carolyn_ray thx for moderating today! My favorite subject was Calculus :) #eventprofs
@melissary RT @webcaston: Planners align themselves with groups that offer business opps/networking first... education is an afterthought. #eventprofs
@melissary I think one positive step towards more education would be to have conferences spread throughout the country -- as a student in #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @eventamplifier do u mean that veterans need 2 update their skillsets or that ppl new the industry later in life need more? #eventprofs
@melissary the Midwest, I find that anything I want to attend is on the West Coast, and I can't afford to get out there! #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Hi Deborah and @pogby. Nice of you to join us! #eventprofs
@3D_EXHIBITS 5 Steps to Get Attendees to Return http://ow.ly/4NS8a #eventprofs #tradeshow #engage365
@Pogby A1: I dont think there is enough education available for students at the university level yet. #eventprofs
@projectmaven Glad to be here. First tweetchat. ever. #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @webcaston so would you be more likely to educate if it was all in one central place? Or pre-packaged for you? #eventprofs
@Pogby Do we know of what schools offer event planning degrees? Which are the best? #eventprofs
@melissary AGREE! RT @Pogby: A1: I dont think there is enough education available for students at the university level yet. #eventprofs
@melissary RT @Pogby: Do we know of what schools offer event planning degrees? Which are the best? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @webcaston Obviously networking will always be important but maybe we need to push education to the forefront? #eventprofs
@melissary I'm obviously biased since I went this route, but create your own event planning major! Then you can customize. cc: @Pogby #eventprofs
@melissary RT @Pogby: Great Job @melissary on the @viktorixcom article, very insightful! http://ow.ly/4NVp3 #eventprofs #engage365
@Pogby @melissary what type of conferences would you be interested in attending? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @melissary I understand! It's hard to do all that travelling! Would online education or virtual attendance be a better option? #eventprofs
@EventG2 Is your registration solution collecting the right data? See what your peers are doing... http://awe.sm/5ItPM for #eventprofs
@Pogby Good question! RT @carolyn_ray: @melissary Would online education or virtual attendance be a better option? #eventprofs
@EmilieBarta @carolyn_ray Have a great chat today! I'm trying to do many things at once...including lurking!! ;) #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @melissary took an interesting route in creating her own degree I took an M.A in communication but focused all my attn on Events #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Thanks @emiliebarta hope you have a few moments to add some insight! #eventprofs
@eventamplifier @carolyn_ray The former. Its easy to get stuck in your ways, esp. when education is often only given @ the start of a career #eventprofs
@susanlynncope My background was in Art History with no concentration in events in school. I learned by doing. #eventprofs
@Pogby @melissary customization is an option. Standardization will help move the industry forward 2 educate a larger class of planners #eventprofs
@webcaston @carolyn_ray, not sure. students like @melissary will create best practices and programs "that work" & others will follow #eventprofs
@melissary @Pogby (re: attending conferences) really anything that's relevant to events: planning, technology, social media, etc. #eventprofs
@projectmaven My background was in theater and video production, fell into special events by accident. The skills seemed to be transferable. #eventprofs
@IconPresentsAV Virtual & F2F: Can't we all just get along? http://ow.ly/4Mzyi #eventprofs #Engage365
@carolyn_ray 100% RT @Pogby Standardization will help move the industry forward 2 educate a larger class of planners #eventprofs
@melissary Customization in my degree was key: ex, I'm interested in weddings but don't have a religious background - so took courses in it #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Many people tend to "fall into" events which is why we really need to focus on proper education #eventprofs
@susanlynncope @projectmaven I agree on the transferable skills. I also fell into special events. #eventprofs
@melissary this way, if someone has me coordinating their events and wants to incorporate religious practices, I will have some knowledge #eventprofs
@Mizcity HI all, Christina from NYC here- didn't realize we were back to having chats- yay! Whats the first topic? #eventprofs #eventprofs
@projectmaven @susanlynncope @projectmaven just about everyone i worked with came out of theater #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @melissary you are truly an example of what we need in this industry. #eventprofs
@SternbergClarke Take a look at one of our previous #events @royalacademy a couple of years ago http://bit.ly/jYAnz9 #eventprofs #eventplanning
@carolyn_ray Hi @mizcity today we are talking about education in the event industry! #eventprofs
@melissary Thank you for the compliment!! RT @carolyn_ray: @melissary you are truly an example of what we need in this industry. #eventprofs
@EmilieBarta How to Make Your #Videos Crystal Clear by @stevenwasher: http://t.co/Gaq2I6g ME: Gr8 explanation for proper YouTube compression! #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray I'd like to switch gears a little bit and ask Q2 How would you prefer to learn? #eventprofs
@projectmaven now i basically work for planners, helping them find venues as a kind of broker, so it helps to know how people are trained #eventprofs
@melissary RT @carolyn_ray: Id like to switch gears a little bit and ask Q2 How would you prefer to learn? #eventprofs
@melissary Q2: I like hearing other people's experiences (like with my wonderful mentor, Sue) to learn what does and doesn't work. #eventprofs
@Mizcity @carolyn_ray awesome! I'm a hands on learner and retain information better that way. #eventprofs
@melissary Q2: Also (of course) learning through my own experiences and reflecting later. What I could do better in the future, etc. #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray To expand on Q2: Live sessions, full degree programs, webinars, video classes, panel discussions, online labs..other thoughts? #eventprofs
@melissary RT @carolyn_ray: To expand on Q2: Live sessions, full degree programs, webinars, video classes, panel discussions, ... other? #eventprofs
@BlueSkyBC Great article - RT @pcmahq Whats best hybrid meeting you've participated in? http://bit.ly/mhnwBB #pcma #eventprofs
@Mizcity Every event is a learning experience no matter how many years you have under your belt. Best way to learn is to make mistakes. #eventprofs
@melissary Q2: I'd like to see more live tweeting/blog updates from conferences as well, for those of us who can't physically attend! #eventprofs
@skbevents "Creativity is the single most important leadership competency" Kathleen Douglas, SPHR, CPF #cm11 #eventprofs #MPI
@carolyn_ray So creating a safe space to learn is key? #eventprofs
@GoBigEventInc RT @tracyfairman Great article by @corbinball on Value of Mobile Apps for Meetings http://bit.ly/jMIR6J #mpi #eventprofs #pcma #eventtech
@Hustle247 RT @PlannerWire: ItsMyUrls Has Something for Meeting and Event Planners http://bit.ly/hiucs2 #eventprofs
@melissary RT @carolyn_ray: So creating a safe space to learn is key? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @meslissary what if you could learn on demand? Would that be something you would pay for? #eventprofs
@webcaston RT @melissary: Id like to see more live tweet/blog updates from conferences as well, for those of us who cant physically attend! #eventprofs
@Pogby A@: I love case studies-Reading real life examples of what happened, why successful, why not. Stems from my Business degree bkgd #eventprofs
@webcaston RT @IconPresentsAV: Virtual & F2F: Cant we all just get along? http://ow.ly/4Mzyi #eventprofs #Engage365 #eventprofs
@melissary Agree! RT @Pogby: A2: I love case studies-Reading real life examples of what happened, why successful, why not. #eventprofs
@projectmaven RT @Mizcity: Every event is a learning experience... Best way to learn is to make mistakes. - AGREED #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @pogby @melissary would video case studies be interesting to you? Or would you only want it available as a paper? #eventprofs
@Pogby Heres an idea - conferences should help educate by incorporating student planners in the process. Talk about real life training! #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Absolutely! RT @projectmaven @Mizcity: Every event is a learning experience... Best way to learn is to make mistakes. - AGREED #eventprofs
@melissary Me! Me! RT @Pogby: Conferences should help educate by incorp student planners in the process. Talk about real life training! #eventprofs
@Pogby @carolyn_ray Yes! I love videos. On demand content is the future but it has to be engaging. cc @melissary #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @Pogby There are several events that rely on student volunteers but they may need to be integrated earlier in the process! #eventprofs
@EmilieBarta I think best way to learn in events is to have a good education base + study others, follow along, and ask questions. #eventprofs
@Pogby @carolyn_ray Agreed student volunteers need to be involved in the entire process not just on the day of the event #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @Pogby @melissary is there something specific that would help make it more engaging? Live forums, Q&A w/ instructor, testing? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Yes! RT @EmilieBarta: best way to learn in events is to have a good education base + study others, follow along, ask questions. #eventprofs
@projectmaven Great idea to incorporate students- give interns an authentic learning experience with genuine takeaways, not just resume credit #eventprofs
@melissary @carolyn_ray @Pogby Definitely a Q&A portion -- I learn more via asking questions than writing out a test. #eventprofs
@projectmaven I'm a strong believer in apprenticeship as a learning method. One on one communication and in the field experience all in one. #eventprofs
@projectmaven And professionals can groom future assistants and team mates. It's a win-win! #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @melissary so instructor support is very important. What about peer support? #eventprofs
@Pogby @carolyn_ray Q&A for sure, also the instructors credibility & role in the case study I think matters cc @melissary #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @projectmaven Completely agree! The more we breed excellence in the industry the stronger it will be. #eventprofs
@Streampoint RFID Show Gets Hyper Social With Attendees http://awe.sm/5ItNz #eventprofs #assnchat
@carolyn_ray If u were to pay for educational content, would u rather purchase classes 1 by 1 or buy a monthly membership for unltd learning? #eventprofs
@Pogby Side note: its funny when we are in a tweetchat, other people tweet unrelated, it shows up. Schedule your tweets better people! #eventprofs
@Pogby @carolyn_ray I think having both options is good, as there is diff types of students out there with diff levels of time reqs #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @Pogby very true. It's all about creating the best learning experiences for each person #eventprofs
@projectmaven @Pogby @carolyn_ray Agreed. If the content is good students will come, and options are helpful as we have such varied lifestyles #eventprofs
@EventG2 RT @streampoint: RFID Show Gets Hyper Social With Attendees http://awe.sm/5ItNz #eventprofs #assnchat
@projectmaven even though i learned in the field, i realize many people are more comfortable getting classroom prep (real or virtual) #eventprofs
@projectmaven not everyone is as comfortable with the "seat of your pants" style of learning as some of us are... ha! #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @projectmaven @Pogby Sometimes you just need a reference point as opposed to trial and error. #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray About 10 minutes left everyone, do you have anything that you want to ask or discuss about education in the event industry? #eventprofs
@iseshq Late #ISES Esprit Awards entries are due by 5/9! Be award winning! http://bit.ly/96b3rO #eventprofs #bizbash #mpi
@projectmaven AGREED! RT @carolyn_ray: @Pogby Sometimes you just need a reference point as opposed to trial and error. #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @asignatureexp is there a reason for that or just personal preference? #eventprofs
@projectmaven I'm curious - where are most even profs coming from these days? Other industries? Colleges? Other training programs? #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray @projectmaven As usual seems like lots of ppl are falling into it Admin assts planning galas, brides becoming "wedding planners" #eventprofs
@Pogby we have to remember that there are more roles in the event planning process than just THE event planner, lots of support players #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray Well that just about does it here! Thank u all for joining us! Please consider following @eventleaders for more event education #eventprofs
@EXHIBITOR Rent-Sational: Six examples of exhibitors that put #tradeshow rental furniture in the spotlight http://bit.ly/jW9wKY #tradeshows #eventprofs
@projectmaven @carolyn_ray Thanks for moderating Carolyn! Good chat... :) #eventprofs
@carolyn_ray YES!RT @Pogby:remember that there r more roles in the event planning process than just THE event planner lots of support players #eventprofs
@ASmashHit Importance of Pre-Show Marketing http://bit.ly/mKG3x5 #tradeshows #conventions #eventprofs
@JoanEisenstodt Colleagues poo-poohed me - that these were only stats. Where would YOU hold your meeting? http://bit.ly/m8SVjE #eventprofs #meetingrisk
@Tradeshowbob New blog post Dynamic demo#2 http://bit.ly/kqxP6Q #tsea #eventprofs #ift #ift11 #tradeshow #events #exhibits #exhibitor #engage365 #exhibits
@Pogby THX @carolyn_ray. Great chat today! #eventprofs


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