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Archives 2011

Page history last edited by Adrian Segar 12 years, 7 months ago


February 2011

February 3, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @eventsforgood Force Majeure in the New Event World - inclement weather, government shutdowns, national tragedies, and all of the rest

Archive - February 3, 2011 
February 15, 9:30-10:30pm EST/6:30-7:30pm PST  @executiveoasis
Re-engineering events, conferences and corporate meetings to engage Generation Y Participants - #genychat members invited as guests

February 22, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @michaelmccurry


Q1 -- What do you find best value of as remote attendee Q2 -- what is
most frustrating for you as a remote/virtual participant and why?  Q3 -- are you participating anytime soon in a hybrid event as an organizer, and what is greatest fear if you are?

 Archive is Here


May 2011



Topic of your chat should be placed here!                                                                                                 


Archive should be placed here!

May 3, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @tahiracreates

Social Media - the EventProfs perspective. This chat will involve my 10 BCIT Event Plannings students as this is part of their class time and what a way to understand the positive impact social media can have on an industry-personal or professional.  Some have twitter handles, some do not.


May 5, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @carolyn_ray

Education for #Eventprofs- a discussion about how #eventprofs want to learn, where they feel industry education is lacking, what topics they would like to gain more knowledge on and how we can help educate future #eventprofs. 

Archive - May 5, 2011 
May 10, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @melissary
A continuation on @carolyn_ray's topic of education for #eventprofs, from a few different perspectives. What educational background do you look for when hiring employees? What formal continuing education do you think planners should pursue (if any)? Does this include certification - if so, where should planners be certified? Also, what other fields do you think #eventprofs should actively be learning about? (Examples: PR, journalism, business)
Archive - May 10, 2011
May 12, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @tracibrowne
How to drive registration - tips and tricks you've used that encourage attendees to register early and often.  Studies have shown that over the last two years attendees, sponsors and trade show exhibitors are waiting until the last minute to sign up for events.  Money is no longer an incentive.  What are incentives you've used that worked?  What are incentives you've heard used that worked?  What would make you register two-three months or more out?

Archive - May 12, 2011
May 17, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @GregRuby

(1) Report from previous week's CMP Conclave in Cancun; (2) Do you or your organization have perception issues with events held in destinations such as Cancun or Las Vegas. 


May 24, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @perfectmeeting 

The following questions are derived from a Question Bank developed for the Meeting Design research project, sponsored by the MPI Foundation.


Many meeting professionals claim that Meeting Design is not well defined or understood, yet believe that it holds much promise for transforming meetings and in particular, the attendee experience. This research aims to expand our understanding and practice of Meeting Design.


Your responses to these preliminary questions will help shape and influence the research. We will be providing other opportunities for you to contribute to this research and the growing body of knowledge.


If you have any questions about this research project, please contact John Nawn at john@theperfectmeeting.com.


  1. What words describe the term ‘meeting design’?
  2. How is meeting design different from meeting planning?
  3. What do you want to know about meeting design?
  4. What should others know about meeting design?
  5. What is the OBJECTIVE of meeting design?
  6. What’s intended to be attained or accomplish?
  7. What is the VALUE of meeting design? 
Archive - May 24, 2011
May 26, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @GreenA_V (Midori) Technology for events - is it necessary? How do you justify using technology for your events: do you quantify and evaluate results so you know it was worth it? What are some of your most cherished low-tech innovations for events (Adrian I'm counting on you being here buddy!)? What is mandatory, what is not?

May 31,

9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST


Appreciate all the feedback on meeting design last week. I’ve got a few more questions on the topic and would like to dig a little deeper with your permission. Hope you can join us. 


If you have any questions about the Meeting Design research project sponsored by MPI, please contact John Nawn at john@theperfectmeeting.com.


Q1: What % of the time do you/your clients establish MEETING objectives? Q2: What % of the time do you/your clients establish LEARNING objectives? 

Q3: How do you identify the NEEDS of your audience?

Q4: What else would you like to know about your audience’s needs?

Q5: What was your best learning experience and what made it so?

Q6: What was your best learning experience at a meeting and what made it so? 

Q7: What should meeting designers KNOW that meeting planners don’t? 

Q8: What SKILLS should meeting designers have that planners don’t? 

Q9: How might meetings be designed to be more emotionally engaging? 

Q10: How might meetings be designed to better engage the senses?




June 2011



Topic of your chat should be placed here!                                                                                                 

Archive should be placed here!

June 2, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @JeniseFryatt
Learn & Share: New & favorite social media apps
Archive - June 2, 2011
June 7, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @susanlynncope

Blog worthy events - is this a concern for planners? Does it make planning easier or more difficult?


June 9, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @executiveoasis The impact of culture on event design Archive - Impact of Culture on Event Design 
June 14, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @BrandtKrueger
Presentations and Presentation Technology
 Archive - Presentations and Presentation Technology 
June 16, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @tracibrowne

Planning for Risk

Special Guest - Paul Cook - co-author of Risk It! http://bit.ly/lTLtoW

Q1  When do you start planning for risk – start  or middle of event preparations
Q2  Are there any barriers to your risk planning
Q3   Which do you consider to be the biggest risk to your event
Q4  Where do you find help on knowing how to plan
Q5  Most challenging situations you have needed to deal with
Q6  Could risk planning be creative

June 23, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST  @Carolyn_Ray

Our Favorite Things...A chance to share the great things we love about the event industry, tools, tips and techniques and anything in between

June 28, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST  @GreenA_V (Midori)
(a) Lessons/observations from AIBTM/EdCon (b) Colocation, does it work? What is best, worst part? (this chat format stolen from inspired by Greg Ruby)


June 30,

12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST

@ready2spark  Marketing your event business - the DOs and DON'Ts  Chat Archive 


July 2011



Topic of your chat should be placed here!


Archive should be placed here!

July 5, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @michaelmccurry
What are the "next practices" for meetings and events? How do we keep balance between relying upon best practices versus innovation?
Archive here 
July 7, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @kikilitalien

Expanding Our Brains: Where do you go to learn more about event industry trends?

July 12, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @rayhansen
Let's build the perfect event app 

July 14, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST @susanlynncope
Socialmuting: How to overcome feeling intimidated by the "cool" kids on Social Media
July 19, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @viktorixcom

Event branding - Developing a Memorable Brand

More information about the chat topic on Viktorix.com


July 21, 12-1pm EST/9-10am PST

@sullybridgetb &


The Future of Meetings (planner/producer and hotel perspective)
Archive - FutureOfMtgs - July 21, 2011 
July 26, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @carolyn_ray
The 24 hour work day- staying balanced in a hectic job 

July 28,

12-1pm EST/9-10am PST


Lessons & Observations from the just concluded World Education Congress (WEC) by MPI in Orlando





August 2011

Date Moderator Topic Archive
  @twitterhandle Topic of your chat should be placed here! Archive should be placed here!
Tue, August 2, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @tahiracreates Event design trends - what is "value" - seeking perspectives  
Thu, August 4, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
Meeting room and seating design 
Archive - August 4, 2011 
Tue, August 9, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
@susanlynncope How can Google+ be effectively used in the events industry?
Thu, August 11, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST 



Planning "Out of Town" Events  
Tue, August 16, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
@brandtkrueger I'll take "Eventprofs Chat-Roulette" for 200, Alex.  
Thu, August 18, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST 


Hoping for the best. Planning for the worst.  
Tue, August 23, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
Event Team Communications postponed until September!
Tue, August 30, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
@GregRuby Event Sponsorships Archive - August 30, 2011


September 2011

Date Moderator Topic Archive
  @twitterhandle Topic of your chat should be placed here! Archive should be placed here!
Thu, September 1, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
@GregRuby The Virtual EventCamp Twin Cities 2011 - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. A constructive conversation of what worked and what did not work for virtual attendees of this year's #ECTC11 http://eventprofs.pbworks.com/w/file/44991593/Chat%20Archive%209-1-11.docx
Tue, September 6, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @psalinger Event Sustainability/Green Events. What are the barriers and why is the event industry lagging in adopting practices that can save money, make operations more efficient and enhance brand reputation. A candid discussion on greening events.  
Thu, September 8, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
@susanlynncope  Open Q and A   
Thu, September 15, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST


We need your input! We want to work on solutions at the November Event Camps for common challenges facing our indus a crowd sourcing extravaganza!  
Tue, September 20, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST
Content Curation
Thu, September 22, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST



Email Marketing http://eventprofs.pbworks.com/w/page/45960949/Archive%20-%20September%2022%2C%202011 
Tue, September 27, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST
@bigkid  Digital Team Building Games For Events - What are the best stories and brainstorms of the successful gamification of meetings?  We'll use a game during this session with twitter and a telecon at 218-844-3366, 43434# in this engaging and innovate chat. http://eventprofs.pbworks.com/w/file/46159664/110927%20Eventprofs%20Chat.txt 
Thu, September 29, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
TwitterPlay! - We'll attempt to use as many cool features of twitter in this chat, from games to photos to links to polls, we'll play with twitter to push the edge of what Twitter can do.  And you'll learn at least one new technique or tool about Twitter. 


October 2011

Date Moderator Topic Archive
  @twitterhandle Topic of your chat should be placed here! Archive should be placed here!
Thu, October 6, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
@bigkid  Best stories of Social Media Marketing, come share the successes on the web you know about and learn new tools and techniques.  http://eventprofs.pbworks.com/w/file/46569991/111006%20Eventprofs%20Chat.txt 
Thu, October 13, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
Archives 2011 @eventsforgood  Pricing and the events industry: What do we expect from our planners and suppliers? Are our ideas about pricing accurate? What has or should change in this economy?   
Thu, October 20, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST


Authors Tweet!  If you've published a book or want to know how, join this chat as we hope to get many published authors on this chat to share their experience of what works what doesn't. 


THANK YOU for great participation, blog article of highlights to follow. 

Thu, October 27, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST


Rock your event like the Crue. What lessons can we learn from a heavy metal concert? Creating energy and excitement at an event through:

1. Technical production

2. Sequencing/programming

3. What can a rock star do for an event?

4. Does entertainment have a place at a conference?

This chat needs to include some of our non-conference #eventprofs, people in special events, festivals, concerts who can weigh in with inspiration and insight for the corporate events people - or even just some rockers at heart :) Would be great to get some variety!

(had to switch dates!)


November 2011

Date Moderator Topic Archive
  @twitterhandle Topic of your chat should be placed here! Archive should be placed here!
Thu, November 3, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
@PinkDeb  Creativity and Design    Archive - Nov 3 2011 - Creativity
Tue, November 8, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
@GregRuby  What we learned this weekend at EventCamp Vancouver and EventCamp East Coast!  Nov 8 chat archive 
Thu, November 10, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST 


Resource Sharing - How do YOU stay up-to-date with all the changes in social media and technology and how they effect the event industry? If you don't, what do you need?
Tue, November 15, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
@brandtkrueger  Managing Deadlines- Your clients and your own.  #eventprof life is faster paced than ever, making keeping things on schedule and on time more important than ever. How do you keep yourself, and your clients, on time?

Archive - November 15, 2011

Thu, November 17, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST 


Google Hangout! Send message to @bigkid with email addr and the first 9 to join will attempt to use as many features of Google Hangout as possible! Good experiment for event producers!  Fast bandwidth and video cam required for Hangout.  


December 2011

Date Moderator Topic Archive
  @twitterhandle Topic of your chat should be placed here! Archive should be placed here!
Thu, December 1, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST
@imbookin (used to be pogby)  Its all about the Location! Disaster stories, Important Details and questions to ask, Booking Obstacles, Examples of Good Customer Service/Experiences, Unique locations for different types of events  
Tue, December 6, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST @tahiracreates  Meeting Design that encourages conversation and builds relationships and connections among and for participants - let's share great ideas!
Tue, December 20, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
Speakers!  How do we better manage speakers.  Let's talk about speaker management, speaker training, using speakers to engage attendees, using speakers as part of audience acquisition and getting speakers to help the WOW of your event.
Archive - 20 December, 2011
Thu, December 22, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST 



Working Better Together in 2012: What are you doing to get ready for 2012? What are your preferred methods of sharing and receiving information? What can the industry (planners, venues, suppliers, etc.) do in order to provide added value to meetings/events in 2012? What is your personal New Years resolution? What is your New Years resolution for the event planning industry as a whole? 
Archive - December 22, 2012
Tue, December 27, 9-10pm EST/6-7pm PST 
@viktorixcom  Planning an event during flu season - how to prepare your event for sick participants, and how to fight it on location.  
Thu, December 29, 12-1pm EST/9-10 am PST 
How to bring the awesome to your next meeting or event.    



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