
Moderator Instructions

Page history last edited by Guardian Paramedic Services 11 years, 2 months ago

Note: This page is for chat moderators only.



1. Please remember that the goal of EventProfs is to provide value for the participants, so this is not an opportunity to sell your products or services.

2. Your role is to advise participants on predetermined topics, ensure they stay on topic and keep the conversation flowing. It's also to help acclimatize new participants and facilitate healthy dialogue between participants.

3. You will be responsible for archiving the conversation in the Archives section. See below for instructions on how to do this. (Might need to be updated).

4. Please ensure the following rules are adhered to by participants during the chat: a) no blatant selling of products/services, and b) all conversation should be professional and positive.

5. If you are not able to fulfil your role as moderator, please try to find an adequate replacement or contact Brandt Krueger (@BrandtKrueger)

6. Have fun, and help grow our industry!



(Under Construction- changing out twebevent to TweetChat, which still works pretty well)

If you would like to use TweetChat, it can provide an easy way to add the #eventprofs hashtag and follow the chat

  1. Click on the "Create an Event" button at http://twebevent.com
  2. Login with your Twitter credentials, enter "eventprofs" for the URL and press "Submit"
  3. Once you are on the event page, your Twitter account should show as the host.  If not, click "Add Host" and put yourself in.
  4. Click the "Add Title" button, add whatever title you like, and press "Save"
  5. Click the "Add Date" button, put in the date of the chat, and press "Save"
  6. Click the "Add Time" button, put in the start and end of the chat, make sure you select the right timezone, and press "Save"
  7. Click the "Add Rich Text Introduction" button and enter the topics for your chat and any other info that might be helpful.   eg. link to the Topic Recommendation page
  8. optional: click the "add media embed" button and paste in any video or audio embed code from youtube or other site. 



  • Tweet out the day/time/topic of your chat.
  • Make sure your tweet includes the phrase "eventprofs chat" or "#eventprofs chat". When you do this, your tweet will be automatically retweeted by our @eventprofs account.
  • Tweet out the link to tweetchat (www.tweetchat.com/room/eventprofs).
  • Ask for other members to ReTweet it (they will)
  • Make sure that you include the "#eventprofs" hashtag when you are promoting



1. Use Tweetchat - for more instructions on how to use Tweetchat, view the How To Instructions

2. At the start time indicated for your chat, introduce yourself as the moderator by preceding your tweet with "{moderator}"

3. Ask people to introduce themselves (name, company, business sector, city) & give them 3-5 minutes to do so.  Often we ask people to share an answer to a personal question just to "break the ice"

4. Identify the topic

5. If you have a prepared series of questions to stimulate discussion, tweet them out at regular intervals during the chat. Label them (Q1, Q2 etc.) and encourage participants to include the question number in their response. 

6. Announce when the chat is complete & thank everyone for their participation

7. Identify when the post-chat archive will be posted on the wiki and provide a link

8. If there are spammers, @GPSParamedics has found that interacting with them by mentioning them with a question usually finds out if they are spam robots or real people. If they reply back with a human generated response, ask them to participate rather than spamming and blocking up the timeline. Report spam otherwise.



(This is a lot more complicated than it used to be when wthashtag was available. If someone has an easier way, please let Adrian know.)


Detailed step-by-step instructions can be found in this blog post: How to archive Twitter chats. Once you've completed these, here are the final steps:


1. Open the EventProfs Wiki.

2. Click on "Create a New Page" (at the top right of the home page).

3. Name the page "Archive - insert date (i.e. April 20, 2009)", and click save.

4. Paste the conversation you copied (Ctrl + V).

5. Link the archive into the schedule page.


Thank you for helping to make EventProfs a success for all!

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