

Page history last edited by Brandt Krueger 9 years, 10 months ago

The #EventProfs weekly chats are currently living on a beach, sipping boat drinks, in retirement.

More info here: http://www.brandtkrueger.com/blog/2014/04/06/eventprofs-chats-retiring


You might also want to follow Adrian Segar on Google+, where he hosts (almost) weekly EventProfs Happy Hour Hangouts!


Welcome to EventProfs' Wiki!

     EventProfs is a thriving community of progressive event professionals, connecting via Twitter and other social media to share ideas, debate and collaborate. It was formed to help us grow our careers, our businesses and the industry.  The idea for this Wiki came out of the #eventprofs Twitter chats. It enables us to archive information that comes out of our conversations, and continue to grow and build ideas.  So feel free to add content as you see fit. After all, this group is what you make it :)


#eventprofs Weekly Chats

     Event professionals from around the world participate in weekly chats on Twitter, using the hashtag #eventprofs.


These chats are either:

     Tuesdays at 9pm Eastern (5pm Pacific, 1am (Wednesday) UTC) 


     Thursdays at 12pm Eastern (8am Pacific, 4pm UTC)


     The date and time will be announced in advance.  Please follow @epchat for updates!


#EventProfs who have moderated recently include: John ChenSusan Lynn Cope, Tahira EndeanLiz KingBrandt KruegerKiKi L'ItalienGreg RubyPaul SalingerAdrian Segar, Andrea SullivanBridget SullivanAnne Thornley-Brown, and Barry County


Upcoming Chats


Chat Archives

  • Did you miss a chat and want to read what was talked about? Check out the Archives.


Other Fun Things

  • The EventProfs Google Plus Community is growing in numbers and popularity every day.  Join us here: Google+ EventProfs Community
  • Want to share how to get involved in the chat with other event professionals? Forward this link: How To Instructions.
  • Do you travel? Ever wanted to link up with an eventprof for dinner? Take a look at our Eventprofs by Geography spreadsheet by @spkrinteractive.
  • Interested in finding some blogs written by eventprofs community members?  A whole list is available on the blogroll by @ericlukazewski.
  • Looking for more ways to collaborate with #eventprofs?  Try out one of dozens of communities.  Add any that aren't there. 


Wiki Rules

  1. Please keep information relevant and valuable for all users. This Wiki should not be used to promote your company or your products/services. If this is the case, your information will be removed and you will be sent a warning. If there is a 2nd offence, you will be banned from the site.
  2. Be positive and professional. Don't use profanities or negative communication. If you do, your comments will be deleted and you will be sent a warning. If there is a 2nd offence, you will be banned from the site.
  3. Contribute! We want to hear from you. What do you have to add? What do you want to say? Just click edit and type away :)
  4. To report an issue, please email the administrator


Connect with us!

     Follow @epchat on Twitter to be informed of upcoming chats.


Community Manager

     Our community manager pro tem is Brandt Krueger.  Feel free to contact him via email, Twitter, or Google Plus if you are interested in moderating a chat (and need to get write access to the wiki), or if you have any questions or comments about this wiki or the #eventprofs community.


Need Help? We're here for you:

  • The PBwiki Manual and 30-second training videos can help show you how to edit, add videos and invite users.
  • The best way to get your support questions answered is to click the help link at the top of this wiki.  Our support gurus will get back to you asap. 


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