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EventProfs Blog Awards 2009

Page history last edited by Lara McCulloch-Carter 15 years ago

Voting is now CLOSED!! Thank you to everyone who voted.


. best education blog . 

Winner: Cvent meetings & events

Event manager blog

McCurry's Corner

Midcourse corrections

Speakin' up

The BusyEvent blog



. best eye candy blog .

Winner:  Design Dawgs 

David Stark


D*Lish Design

Notes on a Party

Second City Soiree



. best food blog .

Winner: Food for thought


cuisinETC Weddings

Sunday suppers



. best inspiration blog .

Winner: Fuel: The passion that drives us

The business of being creative

David Monn



. best wedding blog .

Winner: RockNRollBride

Green wedding shoes

Cynthia Martyn Events

Sasha Souza's Sparkliatti

Diary of a Las Vegas Wedding Concierge

Something to talk about



. best new blog .

Winner: Bridalease

Event measurement 411

Experiential marketing 2.0

Savvy Says

Nicole Jensen

Bride Tide blog



. industry advancement blogs .

This was a new category created to highlight industry publication and affiliation blogs

Winner: PlusPoint

Australia Academy of Wedding and Event Planning

Event Tech blog

Eye on Exhibitions

Meetings: Minnesota's Hospitality Journal


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